Driving in austin....

7 October 2003
I just spent the last week in austin, and damb people, its like a track city. I went to Mt. Brunell, I think, btw how much do those houses start at? But anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know how I would just buy a house on the top of the hill just to drive up it crazy everyday.
I visited Ojas and the city of Austin for the first time a week ago, in fact it was the first time ever to Texas. Let me just say this. I have been to about 25 diff states, and Austin has the slowest drivers I have ever seen in my life!!!! They do 55 in a 55 and 60 in a 65. I guess I am used to going 85 in a 45 on I94 through central Chicago during non rush hour times.
Guttiensx said:
I just spent the last week in austin, and damb people, its like a track city. I went to Mt. Brunell, I think, btw how much do those houses start at? But anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know how I would just buy a house on the top of the hill just to drive up it crazy everyday.
I was at Mount Bonnell last Sunday. The weather was very nice. Blasting up Mount Bonnell Road (from 2222 to the park) is short, but pretty darn fun, especially if you have aftermarket exhaust.

If you know the address or just the street name of the house, you can look up appraised values on TCAD's database. For example, enter "ISLAND CV" for the street name and click the find button. This will return a list of houses on the street just "below" Mount Bonnell Park. Look at those prices :eek:!

'FoYoAss and Paul were here for the last NSX meet. You should definately come to the next one.

T Bell said:
Austin has the slowest drivers I have ever seen in my life!
So, are you saying you did not see any of those 3-tons Suburbans that do 90 in a 55 during rush hour? Those ladies are all over the place! When they are not speeding, they are usually tailgating me or running folks off the road. :)
Dont forget those crazy MPV's ;)

But, what do you expect from Texas? Everyone is generally laid back, I know I am when I drive.
I agree! Austin is freakin awesome. I had such a blast scrapping my way up and down the hills!! :D I seriously can't wait for the next road trip to Austin. Hopefully I'll have my new clutch done by then and maybe breaks too. Who knows with me?!! :D :D
And I also agree with Ojas! I can't tell you how many times I've been almost run off the road by these crazy people!! I should get a bright yellow HUMMER!!! :D