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downforce to target ferrari and porsche

'01/31/2008: Downforce is to target the Porsche and Ferrari market. In the coming months lookout for hot and exciting products for your F430 and 997 Porsche. '

I feel left out... no Lamborghini.. I guess the market is not that large and they made a whole lot more F and P cars....

don't feel left out lambos are also in our sights :biggrin:
we are starting with P and F because we have a Ferrari F430 in the shop right now =) :biggrin: so one car at a time but I see a lot of High end parts across the board we will be making.
Guys, don't sweat it!
Just ask Chris for the Trev Discount Structure!!!
Tell him a bad Canadian joke and he'll reduce the price to get you off the phone.
Can anyone see if SOS will put all the DF stuff in one spot? I was on there looking for the DF NSX-R under battery tray and couldn't find it.
T-Top, last time I saw one of those was in Smokey and the Bandit!!!:rolleyes:

Brother, call Chris yourself and ask him or just ask them for guidance on their site. Why should someone see if they can.................... take matters into your own hand. Who is someone???? You are!
Just sing, I am woman I am strong..........always works for me.:smile:

no disrespect intended but are you a spokesperson for them? Not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything but I don't want to start pestering them unless I hear one of them chime in on this.

No disrespect taken. I am not their spokesperson.

You wont be pestering them, dont worry. SOS just negotiated to be the exclusive distributor to sell DF stuff to NSX owners. I am sure they are ready to receive calls as soon as it was announced.
Can anyone see if SOS will put all the DF stuff in one spot? I was on there looking for the DF NSX-R under battery tray and couldn't find it.

I think that would be a brilliant idea. A DF button would allow the products to be grouped out of their respective categories and be seen in a singular spot.
Hum, I have 35g in a bank account, where can I send it and what is my return?
Hey every one I just want to clarify that we will continue to make parts that are already on the market and new ones. We just wanted to share that we are also going after new cars. And in order for us to be able to do that SOS is helping by being our main distributor again prices are controlled by us we will post what prices should be on our web site. So you feel confident that SOS is doing the right thing. Not that they don't do that already. :biggrin: