Doom Three

NetViper said:
The Cure for Doom3

I'm hoping that Half-Life 2 will be the cure for Doom3. I'm pre-loading it via Steam right now (7.8% complete). For the past week, I have been enjoying the beta of CounterStrike Source (believe it or not, I had never played CounterStrike before the Source version).

Doom 3 is exactly what I expected it to be, which, unfortunately, is somewhat of a disappointment. I borrowed a co-worker's copy last week because he couldn't run it on his home machine (slow frame rate, crashes every time it needs to load levels, etc.) and experienced similar results (I'm not exactly riding the bleeding edge with a Pentium 4 / 2.4Ghz Radeon 9600 setup). I've turned off my second monitor, dropped the resolution to 640x480, disabled anti-aliasing, etc. While the real-time lighting, specularity, and normal mapped detail is cool, the shadows are pretty harsh and their models are pretty low-poly. After just a few hours, I'm ready to leave those claustrophobic environments for something a bit more inviting. To be fair, I only just started playing Doom I'll let you know how I feel when I get more time with it. Unfortunately, I don't know when that will be.

Of course, I'm running CS Source (and expect to run HL2) in a similar watered down configuration.