Doom Three

12 March 2001
I read on yahoo some stores are selling copies now before the official release date. Has anyone here been lucky enough to find such a store? If so how is the game?
I preordered and will be able to pick up my copy on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM when the store opens. I am on the edge of my seat in anticipation. I have reserved all day Wednesday for me to play DOOM III.
stores in major shipping hubs seemed to have recieved their shipments early. My friend in s.f. went to compusa and they had them, but refused to sell him.
I've had mine preordered for awhile. Hopefully they'll get it tomorrow, cause the guy that owns the place already told me hes selling them as soon as he gets 'em
wow <B>cmhs75</B>, it must be hyped. That link is invalid! ;)

There's a pirated version spreading like wildfire on P2P networks and newsgroups at the moment. And i've read where people have picked up copies from friends who work at game stores. (LOL, anyone on Prime have a job like this? We'd all like to be your best friend! :D )

I can't i'm overly hyped about Doom3. The graphics are impressive, but i'm hanging out for all the games that will use the Doom3 graphics engine. (eg. Medal of Honour with Doom3? :eek: :eek: :D ) It's meant to be very very intense and scarey.
There's a pirated version spreading like wildfire on the net at the moment. And i've read where people have picked up copies from friends who work at game stores. (LOL, anyone on Prime have a job like this? We'd all like to be your best friend! :D )

I can't i'm overly hyped about Doom3. The graphics are impressive, but i'm hanging out for all the games that will use the Doom3 graphics engine. (Medal of Honor with Doom3? :eek: :eek: :D ) Now if Doom3 had a honda in it, i'd be fighting you steveny for your copy. :D

<IMG SRC="">

Some more screenshots: (WARNING: Graphic!!!) (WARNING: Graphic!!!) (WARNING: Graphic!!!)
I am more about the MP game vs single player. I have heard doom3 is going to be weak in MP.

Yes the graphics are great, but so are the graphics in FAR CRY -- which I think is one of the best MP games ever.

To make things worse for D3, you need a graphics card that is not even out yet to run it at full quality. (512 meg card!).

As for pirating, My friend is getting it through bit torrent even as we speak.
check out for a graphics test comparison. I am going to need to upgrade. My Ati Radeon 9700 will not cut it. Looks like it will be barely playable. Arg!
<B>Doom3 will run even on a Pentium 4 1.5GHz and a GeForce4 MX440 with details turned ON</B>. :eek: To be able to play it on those specs is enough to make you wanna

Admittedly if you want to really experience Doom3 in all it's unpleasantness, you'll want a better video card and CPU. But even on older systems Doom3 will still give you a fright. <B>You'll also want at least 384MB's of RAM.</B> But with a 9700 Pro you should be able to play at 800x600@Medium Quality, which is meant to be outstanding.

<B>For a comprehensive review of different video cards (high-end and low-end) on different CPU's, check out this excellent review: </B>

The difference between High and Ultra Quality settings is hard to distinguish with your eye during the heat of battle. In both modes, normal maps are uncompressed. Only specular and diffused lighting maps are different (compressed in High, uncompressed in Ultra). This only effects the textures in ambient lighting and specular [ie. the shiny light on your gun] maps. For a more comprehensive explaination <A HREF="">read this comparison</A>. You'll need a 512MB video card (not even on market) for Ultra mode. But be happy -- a 256MB and even 128MB cards can handle High mode which is just as good as Ultra.

To be honest, like most games you're better off pumping the games resolution up higher and turning your texture details down. Also turning off AA and AF will dramatically improve your graphics card's performance.

But if you're looking for an excuse to buy a GeForce 6800GT or Ultra, this is it. :D
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Picked my copy up 30 minutes ago at BestBuy. They are on sale today.

I am more about the MP game vs single player. I have heard doom3 is going to be weak in MP.

Right now only 4 players supported but there will definately be an update in the near future to up that count.

Ordered up a Geforce 6800 GT yesterday. I haven't updated my card in years so I figured why not. True you need a card with 512 to turn everything up all the way. D3 uses 500 meg on the vid card for that setting. It will however play on a 256 meg card but you may see some slight stutter.

Have fun all.. playing mine tonight and even took Fri off for a game day :D

<B>NSX-Stalker</B>, what brand 6800GT did you order? and if you don't mind sharing, how much?
6800's are still next to impossible to get here in Australia. :(

edit: oh wait... you probably won't reply this message until you emerge from sending hell back to hell. :p
Still waiting on that darn BFG 6800GT OC to be shipped....

did you guys check out the final winning bid on that doom game on ebay?

$20,000,100.00 :eek: :eek: :eek:
please give us a review after you have played for a bit.

I will probably hold off for a while because 1) lack of MP 2) lack of video card. (I only have 9700 not PRO :( )

Neo... I don't want to play the game with half-ass settings. I am sure that at least 50% of new titles will be using this engine, might as well get a card to run it right :)
Picked up my copy @ lunch today, man this is the longest day i've had in a while!
Well, i can say this, the instruction book and the box is very well done!
My overclocked 9800pro has been waiting on this for a while!
NetViper said:
Neo... I don't want to play the game with half-ass settings. I am sure that at least 50% of new titles will be using this engine, might as well get a card to run it right[/B]

I'm with you there, absolutely.
Who needs an excuse for a buying a 6800 though... ;)
My point though was reviewers (more than one) found that Doom3 still looked awesome even on low-end cards at 640x480. The engine is amazingly scalable if so. The dark environments apparently hide a lot of the pixelation and jaggered-lines if you have AA and AF turned off.

But still... this is the ESSENTIAL reason why everyone should upgrade their video cards. :) I'll have to get a 6800U for my gaming tastes... hmmm.... or should i put that money towards my own NSX... decisions, decisions... :D

paladin said:
My overclocked 9800pro has been waiting on this for a while!

Not as long as those ATI Half-Life 2 vouchers though, eh? ;) :D

<B>da3dalus</B> : That and the gainward are the two BIG DADDY 6800 cards on the market. Awesome!
i decided not to waste my money on the 9800 xt, i just got the pro model
(the xt class are the ones with hl2 vouchers)
It might have persuaded me if i could have preordered w/ the vouchers, but they want like 2 months after the game is released before you get it! shya! right! and monkeys might.....
Besides, with enough overclocking i can show anything the door (except the new fx's and x800's.... damn them......)

And Neo, if you start to look at each upgrade like "Theres a downpayment on the nsx" you're just gonna go nuts!
My gaming pc...
P4 3GHz
Memory 1024 RDram
120GB drive
audigy2 6.1
Test with Quake III 268.9 FPS
ooo i can beat that. I'm kinda a computer nutt. (Computer science major does that to ya.)

2GB PC4400 Geil
3.0Ghz P4 Running @ 3.8-3.9Ghz 1100FSB
60GB 10,000RPM Raid 0
160GB 7,200RPM Raid 1
6800GT OC (If it ever comes)
M-Audio Revolution 7.1

And a slew of custom crap no one cares about.

Alienware, i've always wanted one of those, but never ponied up the dough. honestly i built my system and saved a ton.
I'm running on High @ 1024/768 w/ no problem
Water Cooled Aluminum Radiator Chieftec
XP2500 Mobile OC'd ~2.5 GHz
Radeon 9800 PRO @ 455 MHz/371 MHz
10,000 rpm WD Raptor 37GB
7,2000 rpm Seagate 120 GB 8MB
2x512 DDR @ 466MHz
Audigy2 <- On the way!
So lets talk about going to hell.
I am up at 8:30am and ready to go pick up my copy of DOOM III with visions of playing all day. Well at 8:45 the phone rings, it is one of my tenants. He tells me the alarm is going off for the SEWER EJECTION PUMP! ERRRR!!!!! So I head over there instead of heading to electronics boutique. I get there and the tank in the basement is almost ready to over flow, the pump is shot. I call every plumber in the book and no one has anytime to take care of it today. If I don't fix this the sewage is going to flood the basement soon. So I start calling around to find a new pump. I come back home put on the worst set of clothes I own and head back over with tools and the new pump. I have the new pump installed and ready for the connections to be tightened up. On the very last clamp on the Furnco I drop the ONLY screw driver I have with me into the four feet deep sewage pit. ARRGGG! So I spend another Two hours going to get another screw driver. Finally home now and just not in the mood to play.

Any one play today? How is it?
Well I'm at ATI and we've had development builds for umm.. more than a couple of years now ;) Great engine and very absorbing game, although I'm kind of partial to HL2 (nothing to do with the marketing agreements between the companies). Good game though, a definite must-have.