Don't hit ever hit a woman. Especially when a Former UFC fighter is nearby.

OK. I watched the video. What happened?:confused:
OK. I watched the video. What happened?:confused:


The guy that hit the women got smacked by that UFC guy. He did deserve it.

The cameraman was not good though.

As much as I am for punishing the wicked and seeing justice done, I’m not quite sure this is it. Look at all those people in this scene, running around like animals, a case study in mob mentality, each one looking for a glimpse of a fight ….

Sorry. Give me a few minutes to build my faith in humanity back up again.
OK. I watched the video. What happened?:confused:

based on my experience clicking on the link, i'm confused too, but i predict a court of law will determine exactly what happened. in the meantime, from where i sat, here's what happened:

* sfdreamer said "check out this video"

* i clicked on the the link as provided

* in the new browser window a girl in an advertisement began adjusting her breasts and suddenly the room i was in began to spin... and the fight video was over.


i await the court's final decision.


  • rugerhuertastreetfight.jpg
    47.5 KB · Views: 167
Sorry. Give me a few minutes to build my faith in humanity back up again.
lost a very long time ago, my friend. (note to self: i learned many years ago nothing good happens outside a bar late @ night. ever.)

perhaps the png i just posted will be of help in this matter ;)
who was the supposed fromer NFL'er who got his head kicked in???

BTW, the Geico Cavemen rule!!!:biggrin:
Have a brother that used to train w/ Chuck Liddell. Said he'd never been hit harder in his life. Of course, that brother is psycho now and those two facts may be related.

The video seems like a good case of reaping what one sows.
Seen it all before --- guess this chick will be known as Snookie II.

Never seen anyone smoking the wacky and pop anyone in the head. Go figure.

“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.” -- Mahatma Gandhi

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Don't hit a woman when UFC fighters are around.

Does this rule apply when NBA players are around? I think I could take down a woman and a gaurd from the Jazz in the same night. :wink:

Seriously, how many ex, college, current football players hit women? What do they have to prove? Tobody there is not a UFC fighter patrolling each bar corner for NFL players gone wild.
Don't hit a woman when UFC fighters are around.

Does this rule apply when NBA players are around? I think I could take down a woman and a gaurd from the Jazz in the same night. :wink:

Seriously, how many ex, college, current football players hit women? What do they have to prove? Tobody there is not a UFC fighter patrolling each bar corner for NFL players gone wild.

What about when a UFC fighter (ah, um... Tito) hits a woman? :rolleyes:

based on my experience clicking on the link, i'm confused too, but i predict a court of law will determine exactly what happened. in the meantime, from where i sat, here's what happened:

* sfdreamer said "check out this video"

* i clicked on the the link as provided

* in the new browser window a girl in an advertisement began adjusting her breasts and suddenly the room i was in began to spin... and the fight video was over.

Hal, can I come over to your place and watch it?

All I got to see was the crappy video. No girls adjusting anything.

Hal, can I come over to your place and watch it?

All I got to see was the crappy video. No girls adjusting anything.


Yeah, that's why I asked the question. I looked at the video. Looked like a bunch of people walking around. Showed two guys with big red arrows and then more people walking around.


Hal, Ken and I will be over around 6:30 to check out the chick video.
LOL, the quality was bad for sure. For those that can't get what's going on:

Lightweight fighter Roger Huerta says he didn't throw the first punch in a street fracas a few days ago. The Bellator Fighting Championships mixed martial artist tells that he initially kept his cool after seeing a man punch a woman Saturday in Austin, Texas. Huerta says the other man took off his shirt and "started swinging" after being confronted. "At that point I was like, 'Alright,' " Huerta tells TMZ, which on Wednesday broke the story about his purported involvement in the Austin street brawl. "I got the better of him and I left." Although Huerta doesn't deny getting into a tussle, casts doubt on whether Huerta is the one seen on video kicking the other guy after he's already down. It's probably not a good idea for most people to throw down with Huerta, a brawler who has won 21 of 27 professional fights, including six of eight bouts in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. At one point he had a 17-fight unbeaten streak.

In May 2007, he became the first mixed martial artist featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
This is what the police are supposed to be for. Not a good idea to take it upon yourself to enforce justice- no matter how justified you are, or how good a fighter you are- it doesn't even matter if you have a 17 professional fight win streak: If that guy has a bodyguard or even a buddy with a gun, bad things can happen that martial arts can't overcome.

Glad everything turned out ok that night, and hope Huerta doesn't get himself sued for his actions.

Not sure if being an MMA Champion counts for or against you in an assault case, but you can be sure somewhere a lawyer is salivating over the potential damages.

Oh, and I agree 100% with Hal, nothing good happens in front of a bar late at night. I met my first wife under those circumstances...

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What about when a UFC fighter (ah, um... Tito) hits a woman? :rolleyes:

Didn't Jenna's dad come to Tito's defense? He said Jenna was trying to leave the house drunk and Tito wouldn't let her. Once again, a UFC fighter protects a woman. :wink:

Of course, there is always Rampage Jackson (from A-Team movie) that got in his 4x4 truck and started running over cars during rush hour because he was "depressed."
That all depends on how far back your seats recline. :D
been there, done that and had the footprints on the inside of my windshield to prove it. in my defense, it was the 70's and i was young - what can i say. :biggrin:

in today's world, i've taken the position that when there's a crowd, i'm gonna beat feet the other way.
been there, done that and had the footprints on the inside of my windshield to prove it. in my defense, it was the 70's and i was young - what can i say. :biggrin:

in today's world, i've taken the position that when there's a crowd, i'm gonna beat feet the other way.

Must have been before sunroofs...... :wink: