Don't buy this video!

10 September 2002
Man, I hate it when people use images of the NSX on their products and then don't deliver. I bought this DVD hoping/expecting it would contain NSX footage, but what a dissapointment! No NSX to be seen anywhere on the video, zip, zilch, nada! Oh well, at least it only cost me $5 (used)..

Originally posted by McAttack:
Tell me about it....the XXX store down the street is full of them!

*lol* ... i'll take your word for it.

Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT>: man, i'd be ticked off too.. that cover would have made me bought it too. Were any of the chases good (despite featuring no NSX).

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 07 January 2003).]
Oh Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT> you bought the wrong video... this is the cover u wanted...


It has some beautiful street action too... driven my Mr.X and MR.A...

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 07 January 2003).]
Nice work, Neo.

EDIT: However, given what's going on with Bill's current legal situation, let's tone this stuff down a bit. Don't want to give the prosecution any more amunition do we.

<font size=1>

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 07 January 2003).]
yeah... i'll timing on my behalf.
After i saw Bill's situation i already planned to remove the pix (plus some other text) ... problem is i've made a lot of JOKES about mynsx's car... but that's it; they were jokes.

poor bill... i feel really bad hearing the news.