Doesn't like to start

9 August 2005
Rocklin CA
I have a 1991 with 157K miles (to go where no man has gone before). The problem has been getting worse for a few months. I took it to a mechanic (non Acura) who replaced the black ignition box at no-charge because it didn't fix anything. Before I start replacing more items perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.

Generally I get a few clicks and perhaps a partial turn of the motor or two. Mostly just clicks. Any suggestions? Battery? Ignition switch? Other?

starter or starter solenoid been checked? Its more likely to be that before electrical problem. My 2 cents anyway.
The relay doesn't seem to be the problem because that was changed in a first attempt to fix the problem.

I let the car sit over-night and then it took 17 try's to get it to start (a new record). Once again, mostly just clicks and a few partial turns of the motor. I drove the car for around 20 minutes and the charge meter stated at the 15 mark the entire time. The scale on the meter is from 8 to 16. Does this mean anything?

My mechanic now feels that it's a starter problem. I'll recommend he clean the ignition as well.
I read the ignition switch article. However, I haven't had any problems while the car is operating. Only the starting has posed a problem. The other symptom that I noticed was a loud clicking coming from the engine compartment when I clicked the ignition switch.
If you're getting a loud clicking noise from the engine compartment, chances are its either a bad connection between the battery and the starter motor, or the starter motor solenoid is on the way out. Check the connections on the battery as well as on the starter motor (you may have lost a nut off the positive wire for example).

The starter motor should have a smaller unit (the solenoid) mounted 'piggy back' style that the positive wire is connected to. They can normally be removed and replaced without having to replace the entire starter motor. A good way of checking this is to give the solenoid a sharp tap when it starts performing its 'non start' clicking procedure. Get a broom handle or similar piece of wood and tap it a couple of times with a hammer. If the starter motor engages after this vibration/shock, then have the solenoid replaced.
I had this exact problem with my Integra. It was the soleniod contact points which are servicable on the Integra starter. Took no time at all once starter was out. I just looked at my NSX Manual...same design. On page 23-86 it shows the contact points that are easily refaced.
My mechanic agrees with starter as being the problem. He's already tried replacing the relay and did a partial cleaning of the battery connections. He didn't want to pull the cables completely because of the requirement of putting in the security code after the battery is disconnected.

His concern is that he can't locate any replacement contacts for the NSX starter. Are they available? My mechanic is going to try using Integra contacts instead. If that doesn't work, I guess I can look for a used started or buy a new one ($700+). Any suggestions?
If this starter is like the Integra one, the contacts are easily refaced and have plenty of meat on them. Check out the manual page I referenced in an earlier post. BTW, I bet the Integra ones fit if yours are too far gone. I think it unlikely that they are gone though.
cfra7 said:
.... He didn't want to pull the cables completely because of the requirement of putting in the security code after the battery is disconnected....
Your man is clueless - security code??????????
Battery or battery cables is the problem.

cfra7 said:
.... The other symptom that I noticed was a loud clicking coming from the engine compartment when I clicked the ignition switch.
This is typical symptom of a system that has insufficent current available - the voltage drops too low with the substantial current required for the starter and the starter solenoid won't hold in (that is the clicking noise you hear)

What does your dash battery gauge indicate for battery volts if you just turn on ignition without attempting to start? Can you measure the voltage with an external meter directly on the battery terminals?

Instead of trying to start it, what happens when you just turn on ignition, then turn on headlights on main beam - do your lights start to dim? What happens to your battery gauge while in this condition?

Your indication of ~ 15V while running says your alternator is fine, nothing else.

edit: one more last simple test - connect jumper cables from another battery onto the terminals in the engine bay (this will eliminate the battery or cables from the mix) - if starter operates normally it is your battery or primary cables; if it does same thing it's your starter.
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If the connections are OK, then this can be easily rebuilt at any good auto electric shop. The last one I did has been installed for over three years with no problem. Agreed, there are no security codes:)!
