Thank you for taking the time to contact eBay with your report about
item #600651212. I will be more than happy to help you with this
eBay doesn't actually handle the merchandise that is offered for
auction. Without firsthand knowledge of the item, we are unable to
guarantee the accuracy of the listing information. We encourage members
who are interested in bidding on an item to email the seller for
additional information. Be sure to ask the seller specific questions
regarding age, authenticity and condition of the item before bidding.
Part of this information is contained in our User Agreement, under
article 3. I have included a portion of that Article below for your
"...3.1 Overview. Our site acts as the venue for sellers to list items
(or, as appropriate, solicit offers to buy) and buyers to bid on items.
We are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and
sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or
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the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to buy
items. We cannot ensure that a buyer or seller will actually complete a
If you would like to review the rest of our User Agreement, please visit
the URL below:
It is up to the member to present the item correctly. Since we are not
experts in these areas, we can not pass judgement on the manner in which
the item is presented. In cases like this, we maintain that any member
with expertise on the items being sold contact the member directly. It
may be that the seller is not aware of the specifics of certain items
and may need to be educated. We are in no position to contact the member
as we have no first hand knowledge about the item being offered for
sale. That is one reason why we allow members to contact each other. Our
more seasoned members should help educate other members so that
occurrences like this do not happen in he future.
Thank you for allowing me to assist you with this matter today. Please
feel free to review our Listing guidelines on the following pages:
Again, thank you for writing in. Good luck and happy eBaying!
Alex D.
eBay Community Watch
Your Personal Trading Community (tm)
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