Does epoxy smell go away?

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Experienced Member
21 February 2003
I bought my 2018 NSX new from the dealer in December and in the five months I've owned it, the strong epoxy smell in the trunk / engine bay has not subsided. In fact, if I leave something like a backpack in the trunk for a few hours, the epoxy smell permeates the backpack and all of the contents. Have other owners has this issue as well?

My car is 2 1/2 years old and it still has some smell

The new cars do not have it as the factory has learned how to better de-gas the trunk tub prior to installation
I would start poking around the engine bay and trunk area. And does it only smell when it’s hot out or running a while? Or is it all the time.

All the time - if the car sits for a few days and I open the trunk, you can smell the epoxy 5 feet away. The smell doesn't get strong when the engine is hot - at least as far as I can tell.
Did you have the smell at first ?
It did smell at first and from what I remember it cleared up within a few months. I just checked it to be sure and there is no odor. And a habit from past Ferrari days I always open the hatch after a drive to help with cooling. Maybe that helped it air out and dissipate the odor.
Thanks, all. I will leave the hatch open when possible. And just give it time.

Leave it open after you have driven for awhile.

Heat bake out helps speed up the outgassing.

Removing the carpet piece keeps the smell from being retained when airing the trunk out.
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maybe putting an open bowl of baking soda and some fabreeze sheets when parked for longer periods...
My 2018 Model trunk smelled pretty bad for the first few days. On a sunny day, I ran the car hard (in Sport+ and Track Modes). With the car still very hot, I parked outside with the truck open, and I left it open for about three hours. END OF SMELL. I didn’t remove the carpet first.

Hope this helps.