Does anyone know when the 2018 (second year model) will start?

15 October 2003
West coast!
With all the possible rumors about the improvements to this car already, wanted to know when the 2018 model year car will be rolling out?

If an order is placed for a car in June, would that be a 2017 or 2018?

likely an 18.

we ordered #1 in march/april (cant remember exactly), it arrived in july.

acuras model year timing is all messed up. MDX/RDX start is like March. TLX/ILX is more traditional sept/oct ish.
Looks like from our sources the soonest we can order a 2018 would be around May/2017 time frame for July/August delivery.

Let's see if there are any new changes or updates for the 2018 model year....
I believe the vin # resets each year

Agreed, the chassis # keeps ticking up with each car built