Does anyone just stare at their car in the garage?

I actually blame my newly purchased NSX for my increase in smoking. I find myself in the garage smoking, and staring at her. Prior to getting her, I hardly smoked at home...=)

haha, i have always smoked only in the garage (not in the house) so now i have something nice to stare at while i'm there. The thing is it seems i am always in the garage now.
OK guys, "Hi my name is Brad, I'm a NSX-holic" Here is my NSX dateline if anyone is interested:
Apr 05-Purchase 91 NSX, drive from Dallas to Boise
Apr 05-Down for maintenance (See Gallery Pics)
Jul 05-Finally back to gether (Pics with AH-64 at car show)
Oct 05-In storage do to military deployment to Afghanistan(see anti-theft device in pics)

Jan 07-I look at my picture slide show at least everyother day! Does this count as staring at my car in the garage?

OK guys, "Hi my name is Brad, I'm a NSX-holic" Here is my NSX dateline if anyone is interested:
Apr 05-Purchase 91 NSX, drive from Dallas to Boise
Apr 05-Down for maintenance (See Gallery Pics)
Jul 05-Finally back to gether (Pics with AH-64 at car show)
Oct 05-In storage do to military deployment to Afghanistan(see anti-theft device in pics)

Jan 07-I look at my picture slide show at least everyother day! Does this count as staring at my car in the garage?

Hi Brad [everyone]

Yes that counts and i hope you get to go home very soon.

Be safe
haha, i have always smoked only in the garage (not in the house) so now i have something nice to stare at while i'm there. The thing is it seems i am always in the garage now.

Right on Mike...I thought I was the only NSX owner with that dirty habit. I never smoke in the house either, darn things stink don't they? =)

OK guys, "Hi my name is Brad, I'm a NSX-holic" Here is my NSX dateline if anyone is interested:
Apr 05-Purchase 91 NSX, drive from Dallas to Boise
Apr 05-Down for maintenance (See Gallery Pics)
Jul 05-Finally back to gether (Pics with AH-64 at car show)
Oct 05-In storage do to military deployment to Afghanistan(see anti-theft device in pics)

Jan 07-I look at my picture slide show at least everyother day! Does this count as staring at my car in the garage?


I totally agree with Mike, you too have the sickness my friend...=)

Stay safe & thank you for your service...

I totally agree with Mike, you too have the sickness my friend...=)Levi

Well, just knowing and admitting that I have a problem is half way to the cure, only I never want to be cured!!!!! I just needed to know that I am normal. As long as I am an NSX owner I'm OK. I'm OK, you're OK! As long as we keep telling each other that, then we must be OK.

Stay safe & thank you for your service...


Thanks Mike, Levi and Guys, it is an honor to serve in the military of the Greatest Country on the Face of the Earth!
Most of my friends were pretty blah when I showed them pictures, but once they saw it in person, almost everyone falls in love with the car.

Just as poncekim says, usually with the tag line, 'an NS what?' .... but once they've seen and heard it, they never forget. Not one negative. Add to this my 7 yr old daughters obsession with telling her school friends that Daddy's car is better than a Ferrari!! What a bright little girl :smile:

8 months on and I'm still finding any excuse to sneak a peak into the garage if I cant take the NSX out for a run.

Don't you mean the 91 and up cars??? :rolleyes:

the p0p up headIights is best excecuted 0n the NSX hands d0wn, i I0ve'em; but after seeing s0me 02+ in pers0n it grew 0n me, and it being a functi0naI update, n0t just c0smetics, made me Iust f0r it m0re:tongue:

this is h0w sick I am,,,, i 0nce imagined designing a h0me where i can just park my car inside the h0use 0r my r00m :eek: s0 i can aIways see my car, might as weII Iive in the garage :biggrin: yep im pretty sick with it :tongue:
the p0p up headIights is best excecuted 0n the NSX hands d0wn, i I0ve'em; but after seeing s0me 02+ in pers0n it grew 0n me, and it being a functi0naI update, n0t just c0smetics, made me Iust f0r it m0re:tongue:

this is h0w sick I am,,,, i 0nce imagined designing a h0me where i can just park my car inside the h0use 0r my r00m :eek: s0 i can aIways see my car, might as weII Iive in the garage :biggrin: yep im pretty sick with it :tongue:

enesexdreamer, you need to get your mommy or daddy to teach you the difference in a zero(0) and an o. Your posts are really annoying!:mad:
enesexdreamer, you need to get your mommy or daddy to teach you the difference in a zero(0) and an o. Your posts are really annoying!:mad:

Best Buy broke his keyboard on his laptop when they were supposed to fix the hard drive. So you can blame it on your Geek Squad buddies.
enesexdreamer, you need to get your mommy or daddy to teach you the difference in a zero(0) and an o. Your posts are really annoying!:mad:

i d0nt mean t0 ann0y anyb0dy, but my keyb0ard is fuct; im pretty sure nsx prime memebers are sharp en0ugh t0 determine what im typing; :smile:
i d0nt mean t0 ann0y anyb0dy, but my keyb0ard is fuct; im pretty sure nsx prime memebers are sharp en0ugh t0 determine what im typing; :smile:

How does a broken keyboard affect one's ability to spell?
I used to do that alot until I bought a car cover.

Unfortunately I've been doing more of it since returning from NY because my poor car is abosultely filthy (it rained before I left) and I don't know when I'm going to get the chance to wash the poor thing.
I just took a picture, cuz it last longer:tongue:

even though it isn't an 02+:rolleyes: it looks great under the lights...especially now that it has it's own little crib:biggrin:

sexy woman that never ages:eek:

...and never gets fat!!! In fact, mine has actually lost a few lbs. since we were "married". What more could you ask for?
Yes, I do, although I've only had the car for about 2 months.

I really have to agree that the NSX isn't very photogenic. The profile is ok in pictures, but it's hard to get good shots of the nsx in pictures due to it's low profile.

Hummmm. I diagree a little....


*Wet spot is normal from A/C weep hole on hot day.
I just got done with a round-trip to Chicago today, coming back with my new '03 NSX.

This is what I've been spending a good portion of the night staring at in my garage.


Often, I do not want to put the car cover on. I gaze at it frequently.
The smells after driving, engine cover opened, are intoxicating.
AndyNSX ! YES!!! :eek: :cool: Rio Pearl Yellow new in Michigan!
Way to go.

Brad OLDMNSX you definitely count :redface: :redface:
Heck, sometimes I used to lay on the garage floor and stare at the NSX from ground level:tongue: Too bad I no longer have a garage and no longer have an NSX:frown: I'll be back again though if my master plan comes together:smile:
I used to do it with NSX up until this past Wednesday...
Actually it was always more like a procedure:

Come home - Peak into the garage to look at them :smile:

At least 3-4 times a week, after dinner, breakfast or lunch - sit on foldup chair in garage and inspect for "inpurities" on the black(nsx) & silver (s2000)finishes. Treat with QD if necessary and stare :wink:

Sunday mornings - dedicated wash & detail time for all rides, except my company car :smile:

My garage is not large so I only get to stare at it from behind. But it looks damn good. :biggrin:


Crappy cellphone picture


Another NSX huh? Nice to see you w/ the new yellow. Hopefully you can make it some of the meets this season as it looks to be a good one. We are always in need of a yellow X in the group since there is 97 yellow X around here but he does not come out of the garage too much. Not naming any nam,es though :wink: :biggrin: