Does anyone just stare at their car in the garage?

6 December 2006
N. California
Damnit, this is the first car that I have owned that gives me the urge to just open the garage door and stare at it. Yes, I am just plain sick.:frown:
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I had to laugh at this post only because I do this quite frequently. :biggrin:
Sadly I have not stopped even after years of ownership.
Still staring at it every morning even after 5 years owning it. Still sexy.
If you aren't compelled stare at it, then you aren't normal!:biggrin:
As previously stated we all do this, so in fact its abnormal to not do it:biggrin: Consider yourself diagnosed normal
I hope we don't sound too vain, but yes, guilty! I find myself backing out the driveway, leaving the garage open until I'm complete onto the street, just so I can glance at the NSX as I'm reversing. Normally, I'd shut the garage as soon as I'm out the garage and onto the driveway. :wink:
Definitely! I thought I was alone on this one. My NSX is on a lift so when I open the door from the the laundry room to the garage, the NSX just floats above the other cars for a clear view.

Some nights, I just open the door and turn on the garage lights just to get another look at the car before I go to bed. After 2 years of ownership, I still can't believe I have one in the stable.

Thanks to this thread to let me know I'm not alone!
Yes, I do, although I've only had the car for about 2 months.

I really have to agree that the NSX isn't very photogenic. The profile is ok in pictures, but it's hard to get good shots of the nsx in pictures due to it's low profile.

When I first considered an NSX 2 years ago, I would see some pictures and think the car looked very dated. It didn't get me excited enough to go through the process of buying one. It wasn't until I saw a few in person while driving that my obsession hit.

Most of my friends were pretty blah when I showed them pictures, but once they saw it in person, almost everyone calls in love with the car.
Damnit, this is the first car that I have owned that gives me the urge to just open the garage door and stare at it. Yes, I am just plain sick.:frown:

I must confess, I'm quilty as charged :biggrin: :biggrin:

I park my two cars (red NSX and green Prelude) usually opposite to each other in the garage that belongs to the appartment complex where I live.
And every day I face the same problem....
Everytime I walk into the garage to go to work, I have to decide which one to take, red/green red/green red/green ???
Even at work, someone will ask me me the question, which color did you take today.
But even if I take Green, I can't help myself walking around Red at least once to admire the deep color of her red,
her beautiful lines,
her perfectly formed waist,
the full fenders,
her pronounced and sexy rear,
her popups winking at me, whispering in my mind.... 'please, take me, take me. I know you can't resist... Come inside and I will give you a good time... '

And yes, I have to admit to I have fallen for her tricks many times...
You're not alone .... I have "Xsomnia".

"Xsomnia" - the sudden urge to wake up in the middle of the night, open the garage and peek under the car cover just to confirm the dream you're having is for real!!!

I hear it can last a year or more.....:biggrin:
Damnit, this is the first car that I have owned that gives me the urge to just open the garage door and stare at it. Yes, I am just plain sick.:frown:

guilty as charged :biggrin:
I admire mine all the time. In the garage. As I am walking away from it when parking. As I return to it and even when I sit in it. I am in LOVE......Steve
count me in with this illness...............sometimes it is the first thing I do in the AM :smile:

I have a three car garage...and when I drive away in my SUV, I open the single garage just to look at it and close it again. :biggrin:


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This is why I have to avoid going out to the garage if I have anything important that needs to be done. I get stuck out there every time. Especially before I have to go to sleep. Many a coffee bean have been slain because of that car. :smile:
:biggrin: LOL, I'm glad we are one big family that have the same behavor toward our NSX. I live in Minnesota and during this time of year I can only warm her, whisper to her, touch her, and stare at every angle of her then at the END I said to myself, " DAME, SHE LOOKS GOOD! ". My 7 years of ownership is coming up and all the above behavors have gone worst.....:eek: :confused: :biggrin:
:biggrin: LOL, I'm glad we are one big family that have the same behavor toward our NSX. I live in Minnesota and during this time of year I can only warm her, whisper to her, touch her, and stare at every angle of her then at the END I said to myself, " DAME, SHE LOOKS GOOD! ". My 7 years of ownership is coming up and all the above behavors have gone worst.....:eek: :confused: :biggrin:

I am moving up to Eden Prairie this weekend. If you need to see one on the road, just let me know. The only days she isn't going out is if there is snow and/or ice on the ground. Mine is not afraid of the rain :biggrin: ....Steve
I am moving up to Eden Prairie this weekend. If you need to see one on the road, just let me know. The only days she isn't going out is if there is snow and/or ice on the ground. Mine is not afraid of the rain :biggrin: ....Steve

Thanks for your offered Steve. I am really apprecaited and welcome to MN. I have not seen Blue NSX in person yet but it is one hot blue NSX you have. I will be looking out for you if I happen to go by Eden Prairie.

Damnit, this is the first car that I have owned that gives me the urge to just open the garage door and stare at it. Yes, I am just plain sick.:frown:

I actually blame my newly purchased NSX for my increase in smoking. I find myself in the garage smoking, and staring at her. Prior to getting her, I hardly smoked at home...=)
