Does anyone have Tire Pressure sensors on their car?

rquintero said:
I was talking about one of those really dumb caps, where if the PSI is > x then it shows a green "dot", and below that the little plastic thing inside flips and settles to the red dot. Cute, and surely a limited benefit, but worth it for a couple of bucks a piece.

Don't waste your money. They don't work at all. I had a set on one of my bikes and the indicator didn't change even with an 8lb change in pressure. (25% pressure loss)

They come "calibrated" in different pressures. I had one marked for 34 lbs in the frot tire and 36 lbs in the rear tire.

Total junk. Various discussion boards on the Net concur with my assessment.
I had a first generation smart tire system from tire rack that didn't work reliably for very long. I see some people have had better luck with theirs, but I wouldn't buy another one.
I had a first generation smart tire system from tire rack that didn't work reliably for very long. I see some people have had better luck with theirs, but I wouldn't buy another one.
RC51NSX said:
I had a first generation smart tire system from tire rack that didn't work reliably for very long. I see some people have had better luck with theirs, but I wouldn't buy another one.
I have the SECOND generation SmarTire system, and had some initial problems due to installer "error" that was partly due to incorrect/inadequate instructions that were prone to mis-interpretation.

Key is to mount the sensors 180 degrees (diametrically opposite) from the valve stem. This gives best balance, and IMO the most "stable" mounting configuration.

I'd definitely get this system again, particularly with low-profile tires.