Does a golf bag fit? Pictorial proof, please. :)

Will my new driver fit back there?

Awful lot of verbiage... didn't you ask for picture proof

The glove didn't fit ;-)

Very doable... sort of a pain

It also holds a floor jack and lots of tools when you want to go track test...


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Well done! It does a way.... LOL.
Set up a camera on a tripod, video yourself packing and unpacking (with a timer showing) , then speed up video 4X and dub in the Benny Hill song.

But seriously, how long does it take to pack/unpack? I mean do you need to "tetris" in the clubs, or does it go pretty fast? Looks like it would be more hassle than it was worth, right?
Thanks for posting. Really wish they would have just fit. Was hoping they would have fit to qualify it as a DD for me, oh well.
HaHa JD I have the same old carry bag!!!

It looks like you didn't have to remove everything to put the bag in the trunk?

The bag slides in a long way behind the rear wheel so the clubs drop right in. It's a carry bag though. A large pro type bag might not fit in the space behind the rear wheel.
Good to know!
The base of my Ping carry bag, with legs, is too large in diameter to fit back in the cubby hole where it necks down.
And the cart bag... forget that...
Out shopping...
Cool, thanks for the updates!

So....the official answer is, a carry bag fits, but definitely not a cart bag.
I'm sure I have and older carry/stand bag which could fit... even if I had to load woods separately.
It might have been nice if they (Acura) found one already made which was suitable (WHICH FITs) and then had it appropriately detailed like some CF look and logo'd and maybe a siloette of the car like the mug and hat. Then I'd bet quite a few of us hackers might consider buying due to the customized uniqueness. That said, they'd probably overprice it like the other accessories and sell very few.
I'm sure I have and older carry/stand bag which could fit... even if I had to load woods separately.
It might have been nice if they (Acura) found one already made which was suitable (WHICH FITs) and then had it appropriately detailed like some CF look and logo'd and maybe a siloette of the car like the mug and hat. Then I'd bet quite a few of us hackers might consider buying due to the customized uniqueness. That said, they'd probably overprice it like the other accessories and sell very few.

Someone at American Honda marketing really should have checked with the actual engineers before slapping the NSX logo on the golf bag they offer right now. I'd be amazed if, A: any dealer was crazy enough to order that bag, and B: if any customer was crazy enough to buy it.
I chatted with the woman who runs the NSX gear website.
She said they tested the golf bag on a prototype and it fit.
Also believe you can get a 20% discount by ordering online using the discount code "NSX2017OWNER"
Only Acura would take care of us golfers. Thank you Acura/Honda!!
OK, I have my VIDEO proof! Now we can close this thread. More room than I thought from looking at it. An owner at this year's NSXPO showed me that the storage area goes from fender to fender across the rear, and the hatch opening simply doesn't expose all the room available.