Doctor? Shoulder injury... Help?

19 September 2008
Ok so thursday night a buddy of mine and I were playing football. I decided to see how it felt to throw left handed and chucked it a couple times. Friday night I took a drunken spill off a table and then the next day I went to the gym, I was feeling no pain in the shoulder. Today I go to work and I'm sorting boards (Lumber) anddd it felt weird. I can't scratch my back with normal motion however I can pretty much do anything else. I left work and went to the ER, they took Xrays of my finger (thought I broke that too) and my shoulder. Nothing is broken, the doc told me to make an appointment to see the physical therapist within a couple days and go from there.

They said it's probably just a swollen rotator cuff something. But how do they know really? They only took a freakin' Xray. I mean, I can pretty do anything with my left arm but I don't feel confident lifting weights or any aggressive movement with it. I am not in intense pain but it does ache a bit and my shoulders already were "poppy and snappy" and when I extend my arm to the side and lift up while someone pushes down I have good strength in it. But they didn't take an MRI... so WTF? Next thing ya know my appointment will be a damn MONTH down the road. What should I do?
I think your question about asking a physician's opinion over the internet is somewhere between zero and zero. Their liability issue of an opinion without knowing you is just too great.

Go see a doc. Good luck and hope you feel better.
1. It is too early for an MRI. You went to an ER. You don't have a true surgical Emergency. The ER's job is to triage the serious vs. non serious cases. Your case is technically not serious. Therefore no MRI was ordered.

2. You just need to take the meds and give it a bit more time. I seriously doubt that you could tear a rotator cuff and work with minimal issues the next day. Therefore it is probably a tendonitis or bursitis. The standard treatment is rest, ice, meds and a stretching program. If you aren't better in a few days then go see your doctor.

3. Finally - In the end is important that you follow up with your regular doctor if you aren't getting better. Internet advise is free for a reason.:wink:
MRI exams in your case are ordered to answer specific issues your doctor has after examining/treating/following your progress over time.An mri is not a first line diagnostic tool.
MRI exams in your case are ordered to answer specific issues your doctor has after examining/treating/following your progress over time.An mri is not a first line diagnostic tool.

I guess I watch too much football :rolleyes:
Careful examination of the shoulder is all you need to diagnose most shoulder problems adequately. I treat shoulder injuries everyday and I have never needed to order an MRI of the shoulder.