Do you speak Vietnamese??? Need help...

kool... now we talking... nice and simple.
except "hi sweetie" is no good... she'll think i've learned those lines for picking up other girls... :o

Amazing timing, but the Vietnamese girl i'm meeting with actually looks a lot like <A HREF="">"kelly Hu" on this thread</A> ... except HEAPS better than Kelly... better eyes & a more realistic. Oh, and she wears clothes that cover her body too, unlike kelly. :eek:
Nice Neo, I hope things go well for you.
Forget about all that culture/french/whatever talk. If you get along well and she gets to know your true self, then all the other stuff doesn't matter much. I know plenty of Viet women who date non-viet guys and stuff like that.

Give us an update on what happens and if any of our lines worked out. Good luck.

Ps, if you 2 ever visit New Jersey, drop me an e-mail and I'll let you borrow my nsx for a date.:D
kld12... maybe that's a line i could use: "i own several NSX's... but i've loaned them to friends in the USA..." :p Think she'll buy it?

True self??? What is truth... ;) You're getting all heavy on me.

One story i heard (dunno if it's true or not) was a viet-girl went out with a "foreigner" ... her brother didn't approve, so he went and knifed him!!! :eek: I just hope it's not a cultural-tradition. :rolleyes:

Updates... hehehe... only on a need-to-know basis only. ;) This thread sounds like me & this viet lady have something serious happening, which isn't true.... :( ....yet... :D It will probably just evolve into another friendship... but thanx for all the advice & opinions.
Neo, sorry for being all philosophical and crap. True self, haha, I sound like that Herman Monster self-talk guru. Just go out and have a good time man.

And about that "foreigner" knife incident. Never heard of that one before. But I am sure that has happened with other races as well.
Everything seems to be working out.
I'm spending a lot less time on prime... a good sign. ;)
seeing her again in two days time. :D

She <B>loves</B> Honda's & drives a blue '98 Prelude... making her my soulmate perhaps? :rolleyes: ;)

But i'll wait and see how things go; women all too often are falling all over you one minute then suddenly the "let's just be friends" line gets used. :mad:
if its 'just be friends', it wasnt meant to be, move on, be positive ;)
Be yourself, half the fun is learning about the different cultures!
Teej said:
mun kai yei [pronounced moon kie (like Kite without the -te) yay]
that means "what do you want?"

mun biek kai yei [biek pronounced bic and hick with a -y in the middle.-biyic-]
that means "what do you want to know?"

sumbite [pronounced some-bitie (like bite+e) almost somebody but somebitie]
anyway, means "hi or hello" but I think only on the phone.

mi-chung [me - chung] means Chinese or Asian person

mi-dang [me - dang] means black like a black person

gom [gum] i think means rice.

Umm....I'll see if I can find more. Had a Viet homie lover friend, and also my ex-girl is half Viet and Laus and as for myself, black and Viet.

I speak Viet fluent...but need to spell phonetic
gom really means gom un thank you
for a girl you like (am like pam )and (oy like toy) so you say: am oy toong toong am u lam (lam like bum) it will really mack her.
you always refer to your girlfriend or wife as am (em) as close a translation as possible would be honey..sweetheart. when you infer with the toong toong it intensify's the feelings. the woman will refer to you as en oy and will say en oy the reverse of em oy. hope this isnt confusing.
tired... mait wah
full from eating.. naw wah
come here lai dai (lie day)
go.. de de or de de mao or yen len de de mao
G D jow dare (dair)
pretty girl em dep wah... that will win you points
dop (like mop) dop dep wah means you have pretty hair
dop dep mac (soft a) means you have pretty eyes (this will get you layed) trust me! ok I think that will get you started. just for the record I lived with a viet girl for 12 years thats how I picked it up
best regards david
LOL... i'm still getting tips... :D thanx badCarma (some of those tips are great!!!).

Actually we're doing really well without me trying to speak Vietnamese; and she doesn't speak much viet as it turns out.

Vietnamese girls are THE best... :cool:
I guess none of you guys I will trust with my cousin(s) from this point forward, especially you, NEO.
NSXSAN said:
I guess none of you guys I will trust with my cousin(s) from this point forward, especially you, NEO.

NSXSAN... honest, you can trust me... i'm not a ladies man/love-machine like MYNSX... i only want one girl... but i have to know she is <I>"the one"</I>. :p

badCarma... what did u edit? now u got me curious. ;)