Do you speak Vietnamese??? Need help...

2 October 2001
I need help... can anyone tell me some simple words i can use in Vietnamese??? (i realize Viet has gender & age tense... i'll be addressing it to a young lady of course. :p)

Anything, like goodbye, thank you, etc.....
mun kai yei [pronounced moon kie (like Kite without the -te) yay]
that means "what do you want?"

mun biek kai yei [biek pronounced bic and hick with a -y in the middle.-biyic-]
that means "what do you want to know?"

sumbite [pronounced some-bitie (like bite+e) almost somebody but somebitie]
anyway, means "hi or hello" but I think only on the phone.

mi-chung [me - chung] means Chinese or Asian person

mi-dang [me - dang] means black like a black person

gom [gum] i think means rice.

Umm....I'll see if I can find more. Had a Viet homie lover friend, and also my ex-girl is half Viet and Laus and as for myself, black and Viet.
Hey Neo, here's a lil stuff, broken down English style:

Thank you: sounds like same c'mon but with a g, so like "gum on"

Good-bye and hello can be Americanized like hi and bye, if you wanna be formal, its pronounced like Ciao. If she older, a quick head nod and u perfect.

My Name is: Say it like "Daon Gu Thoi Ma" or done gu da-oi ma

Man, sorry if this doesn't seem to help much as I was born in Cali and my Viet speakin skills have diminished.

But if she tells you "Me Love You Long Time", I am sure you know what to do, j/k.

***Some websites offer conversation words
Neo, I used to date a gorgeous Vietnamese girl. Their language is very complicated in my opinion & for the life of me, I could never remember how to say the simple things like hi, how are you? But I did remember how to 4 things that matter (excuse my Vietnamese, as I am not):

Em dep lum = you are beautiful

Ahn eu em = I love you

Do mah mai = F**K YOU!

Cam Ahn = Thank You

These got me a long way!

Cheers mate,
thanx guyz for the help.... isn't there something more simple like "thank you" or a really polite/formal way to say "hello"???

Teej: those first two could be useful... i dont think she'd be impressed by me knowing how to say rice though. :p with the word 'biek' Does it sound anything like the common female viet name "bich"???

<B>But if she tells you "Me Love You Long Time", I am sure you know what to do, j/k. </B>

ROFL.... that's from Full Metal Jacket, right? haha... i didnt meet her like that. ;)

<B>QWKSLVR</B>: u just beat me... these are good... do i pronounce them phoentic? Also, should i use them in that order. :P
to^i ye^u em (i love you)

em dde.p la'm (you're beautiful)

to^i chi~ ye^u mi`nh em ( i only love you)

anh che^'t vi` em (i'll die for you)

and ye^u em ma~i ma~i (i love you forever)

em co' ye^u anh kho^ng (do you love me?)

ma~i ma~i be^n em (till the end of time)

em co' muo^'n ddi da.o choi tre^n xe NSX cu~a and kho^ng (do you want to ride in my NSX, baby!)

Hey Neo, it's Yvonne and I came up with the last one!!

Hope this help and remember this is from a man to a woman. Don't try to say these to a guy now.

good luck neo, my ex is vietnamese the only word i remember is "do mah!" it sounded good when you were angry ;) difficult language then again so is taglog, khmer, cantonese, and thai...dont ask me how i know :p
LOL Neo, yes, I guess it was in that order, LOL!!! Yes, I tried to phonetically spell these phrases out, I think AZNSX's version is the unabridged version.
Hey Neo,

LOL - As you can see vietnamese is very complicated, i been with my bf for almost 8 years now, i will not try to say anything in vietnamese.
And make sure your vn gf speaks south viet not north!


Ahn eu em = I love you
(this is girl to guy, so neo don't use this but if you hear this from ur gf...) ;)
Good luck with the vietnamese and the girl!!!
LOL.... thanx for the help guyz (and gal! :) ), we haven't even gone out on our first date yet! :o But it will be a while before i use some of these lines... :(

<B>AZNSX</B>: i don't understand the sounds used with the characters ^ ~ ' ...what similar words are there with those sounds?

<B>Yvonne</B>: LOL... I <B>love</B> that line you suggested!!! I bet half the guys reading this have jotted that into their diaries. ;)

Some other lines i'd love to know (but won't be using...)

* You Have Beautiful Eyes (coz believe me, this girl does!!!)
* Coffee
* My name is Mike
* Bling Bling! (ok.... just kidding on that one :) )

knowing my luck, she's probably so westernized she doesn't speak a word of Viet.... lol.... :p probz, there's NO CHANCE i'll be using any of these lines on a guy... :eek:
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My tongue has gotten used to speaking English too much already. :D I can fully understand when being talked to in Vietnamese but I can't reply that well!

Did take spanish classes in highschool too. One of the weird things is I get good comments from some of my japanese friends when I speak their language (currently self studying Japanese.)

NSXSAN is right about the accent marks. Also, my parents had to learn French as well when they were in school in Vietnam.

Hey Neo, can't they just load up a program to ya to learn Vietnamese? They did the same when you "learned" Kung Fu... :p
<B>Dan H</B>: hehehe... unfortunately Mouse was so busy with his "Lady in Red" that he never completed the language programs. ;)

Fortunately he left me a copy of the chick from the animatrix "final flight of the osiris" :p

<B>NSXSAN</B>: thanx man for personal advice there... it's not all about me. what you shared is something i've been wondering - what r viet people & culture really like. I've had plenty of exposure to other Asian cultures... but not vietnamese. I have some Viet friends who are very smart & wonderful people... but i've heard bad thingz about r/ships with vietnamese - esp. if you're not vietnamese yourself. :( Trying to work out if what i've heard is true or not. But i'll leave it there... dont want to spark a racial debate. :eek:

So in short, to learn Vietnamese i need to learn french. :p
No, you don't need to learn French to be able to speak Vietnamese. French language, as you can see share some familiarization with the English language because of the Latin back ground. For example, in English, we say student, for French, it is etudiant with an accent mark on top of the E syllable.
The Vietnamese language is a sub-child of the French language system, but with its own pronounciations and meaning, thus it is vastly more complicated.

As far as culture go, Vietnamese do stick to themselves in many relationship situation. However, that doesn't mean that they aren't willing to be in a relationship with someone else who is different from themselves. With Vietnamese ladies, you need to be nice, caring, and definitely working slow. Once you have her, you will have one hell of a partner, trust me. When you talk to her, try to concerntrate on family, school and business subject first, after that then you can go into the more personal stuff

When you see her, say: chao em, em co khoe khong. That is the equivalent of: Hi sweetie, how are you doing? Or Bonjour cherie, comment ca va? in French.

Hope this help, if you have any other questions, I am here.

Take care,
people are people neo, take them as they come, ive lived with asian families for 10 years now, seen nice peoples and bad just like everyone else. Depends on the person. Although second and third generation asians in oz are much more laid back than their their parents (obviously)!
People are people, true. However, every type of people from different cultures require a different way of handling. Neo, in this case, just want to know how to approach a Vietnamese lady, most Vietnamese I have to say is more concrete, and I just reply according to my experiences. However sometime, people are people is very true. True second, or third generation Asian are more laid back than the first one, though it is quite common practice for Vietnamese to stay in their house hold even when they are married. Much better that way, you can split everything up together, and pretty soon the whole family will have two or three houses to speak of. This is from my experience of course, maybe not for others.
Take care,
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This thread has gone from speaking a few Viet words into a full-on course in Vietnamese r/ships... :p But i'm grateful for the opinions & advice.

Originally i wanted to learn a few lines because they are a great ice-breaker and often lead into interesting discussions about culture, travel, life, etc.. The Viet-French connection here is very interesting, but the language is confusing the hell out of me already... i ain't gonna remember all these lines (except maybe Yvonne's... ;))

edit: Oh, is it a good idea to ever talk about the Vietnam War??? Or is that a thorny part of their history?
Sure you can talk about the Vietnam war, though refarain from asking her if she lost any family memebers in the conflict. You do that, Neo, I don't know you, absolutely never have talked to you or gave you any crazy advises before, just kidding, bro. Be yourself, treat her like a lady, and have a great time.

Yes, the Vietnamese and French connection is a very interesting one. But at least thanks to that, beside English, I can read Vietnamese extremely well, and my French is so so. However, from what I understand, French women are real easy to get in bed, too. Are you sure you want to try a Vietnamese, and not a French lady? Just kidding. hope you will have a blast, bro
<B>Be yourself, treat her like a lady, and have a great time.</B>

for all the young guyz lurking ... this is the best advice you can ever get for dating... worth echoing.

<B>French women are real easy to get in bed, too. Are you sure you want to try a Vietnamese, and not a French lady? Just kidding. hope you will have a blast, bro</B>

LOL....... i wonder if MYNSX knows this. ;)

I'm not after a lady for "easy bedding"... rather as a life-time companion. :) Oh crap... i sound like a romantic!!! :eek: Time to watch some guy-DVD's like Braveheart, black hawk down and Getaway in Stockholm 3... rofl... :p
LOL, This easy bedding business got me in a lot of trouble before. That is why guys in the US, and this is quite common practice usually say: "I am sure that there is no little me running around that I know about, thankgod!" if they are push to any commitments at all, be it relationship, family, or business.

Little wonder why a lady friend that I know suggested that I should shave my head, throw on some black cloth, and become a priest. Ya, that's should solve a lot of problems, nothing but love between me and the big man upstair. However, that will definitely wake me up in the middle of the night screaming. No I think I am just gonna stick down here, and do what I can to help the unfortunate souls that is wandering the earth.

But trust me, just be nice and understanding, and you can ended up with one hell with a partner. Take it from me who usually failed miserably when it come to relationships. If you can find someone that will share your vision, and the direction that you are traveling in your life, go for it, because you will not lose. However, when I say that, I myself gotta stop going out to clubs here in Pacific Beach, and downtown San Diego, because i remember this one chick name Katie, a blonde with nice curves. She is a surfer and waitress at a club here in downtown SD; when she gave me her phone number, she said: " If you call me, my boyfriend will be really pissed off". Thanks alot, I wonder how her boyfriend think from time to time? I never mak that phone call, of course.
Good bye, in Vietnamese say: "Bye Bye." That will work just fine. Hope she's not going to say that to you after five minutes, just joking.
<B>Ya, life is twisted, what you don't want , you will alway get, what you want, you will not even come close...</B>

NSXSAN ... hehehe.... you're probably right there... in which case, i hope i don't get an NSX.... :p

Looks like this coming Friday will be the big day; seeing her then. So i got one week to become a vietnamese linguist... and pick up an NSX so i can use Yvonne's one-liner... :D
Let's go over the list:

Chao em= Hi Sweetie (accent marks)
Em khoe khong= How are you doing? (accent marks)
Thank you= cam on (accent marks)
Coffee= Cafe
Good bye= Bye bye!

4 lines, and I imagine, she would be very impress. As far as the NSX situation, too bad we are half a word apart, and I can't help you