Do NY points count on a Connecticut license?

28 March 2002
I have a buddy who just pled guilty to a reduced speeding charge in NY and it is a 3 point violation. Do any Connecticutians out there know whether these will be posted on his Connecticut license?

If I remember correctly, NY has a reciprocal point system with NJ and CT, and CT has it with MA and NY. However, I am not positive. The best way is to contact the DMV in CT or the insurance company. They can tell you right away.
I got a speeding ticket in NY last year on my way to the Poker Rally, but I have not seen any evidence of points on my license. The only indication of this is that my insurance has not gone up. I figure if I got points, the Insurance company would have raised my rates.
I got a ticket 2 years ago in NY, and my rates never went up in CT. My neighbor tells me that NY and CT do not communicate with each other. Let's hope not. The government already gets enough of our money.
I finally got the answer. NY and CT have reciprocity but while NY drivers getting CT tickets automatically have their points posted the reverse is not automatic. CT has the discretion to count NY points but generally never gets around to actually doing it.
NSXLNT said:
I got a speeding ticket in NY last year on my way to the Poker Rally, but I have not seen any evidence of points on my license. The only indication of this is that my insurance has not gone up. I figure if I got points, the Insurance company would have raised my rates.

Not true.....the insurance company only checks when you are first getting insurance from them and then maybe if you get a suspension they will also check. But I can tell you that I have gotten up to 11 points and have not had a increase in my insurance. In fact I still get a good drivers discount i guess for no chargable accidents.
RSO...CT does get around to doing it.
I went to college in CT. had enough enough speeding tickets
in CT to have my license suspended in CT for 1 month (car is
registered/licensed in NY). Had that happen 2 twice during
my 4 year college career.

NYC01 said:
RSO...CT does get around to doing it.
I went to college in CT. had enough enough speeding tickets
in CT to have my license suspended in CT for 1 month (car is
registered/licensed in NY). Had that happen 2 twice during
my 4 year college career.


Hummm...thats good to know. :D :D :D
I live (lived) in NJ, and got a ticket in VA. My insurance then never went up, but when i moved to a different state and insured w/ Geico, they FOUND the VA ticket and jacked my quote up by about $150. So the states do talk to each other, either that or there is some sort of national registry.