Do any of you plan on keeping the NSX forever?

I plan to keep mine forever, its also my son's (6 yrs old) fave car. I actually thought buying another one and storing it for him. The reason for that is I dont think I can give him mine. :biggrin:
I think I plan on keeping mines until it is passed down. Or I will donate it to a musuem.
Sold one once and regretted it for a few years. Don't anyone make the mistake I made. Get one that is in good shape, make it your own and keep it forever!
NO… I think I’ll go and sell mine right now!!!!!!!!,:eek: :eek: and then start regretting it each and every day….

I’ve owned a bunch of cars and Every, every time I get in and drive it, I love it.
Very therapeutic.
At first I was going to park it and keep the miles off of it, but this car you drive and enjoy. Unless it’s got zero miles, I doubt that low mileage would have a large enough impact to overcome the joy of driving. As long as I can clime in and out I’ll keep it. My wife loves it. It’s part of our family!

As I read these posts, I see I'm not alone.

i know if i ever do sell mine
i know that it wont be my last one
but it took me 2 years to find the perfect one that i was looking for and i dont feel like going thru the same thing for the next while
I've had mine 6 years and have no intention of selling it. In fact I'm looking for a Zanardi so it can have a brother :biggrin:
Yesterday, at the very moment my 97' turned over 14,000 miles, I pulled it into my warehouse, covered it and blocked it with another car I've had for over 20 years... a 1972 Ferrari 246 Dino. I paid $22k for the Dino in 1985. I'm told by collectors I can add a digit to that number today, which begs the question... what will the NSX be worth 20 years from now? just after the moment my '94 turned 119,000 miles, I was pulling into work thinking how much more fun it would be to keep driving. ;)
I'll probably buy whatever Honda brings out as their next supercar as soon as you can buy one in like new condition for 1/2 the price of new - but getting rid of the NSX is out of the question.
Only if the new NSX is so spectacular that I HAVE to have it. I've never really considered selling mine other than for financial needs.
Although I don't consider myself a "car nut", I love cars. If it weren't for my wife and kids I'd have a 5000 sq ft garage and a 1000 sq ft house instead of vice versa. I plan on having MANY vehicles (from highly desired exotics, to cool DD's, to one-off's) in my stable over the next few years, and the NSX will ALWAYS be right there up front. :cool:

True story...

A friend of mine bought a house without ever stepping in the house. He looked at the garage, about 3k Sqft complete with three phase electric and 2 lifts, he bought it on the spot. Since he has built another garage/car storage that is close to 35k sq ft. His obsession is Monte Carlos.
Aarrrrgggghhhh.... mmm-mmm-mmmust build bigger garage.

I say "I'd like a Lambo G." Wife says: "Where you gonna park it?" I say: "I dunno" I think (to myself): "You can park your car outside"

Trust me, the thought never escapes my lips.

Ever heard the problem with us men? We were born with two heads, but only enough blood supply to run one at a time.

Seriously, I must build a bigger garage!
Yes. :) Time to start stockpiling parts. :wink:

I sold my first NSX because I had moved overseas, and wasn't driving it. The time that I was NSX-less, I often dreamed and daydreamed about the sound of 8000RPM behind me...

I like to think that the NSX was one of the defining moments/icons of my generation.
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No way! I'm already starting to lust for a replacement after about 9 years of ownership. Sorry but no car (out side the Ford GT) can keep my attention for more than 10 years. I have a 1991 and would consider buying a newer version or a non-NSX but the 1991 is getting old and I don't like driving any car that's more than 20 years old. At that point it's just an "old" car.
I always want newer, better faster. The best car has still yet to be produced. In order of preference:

Over $80K - Ford GT

Over $50K - C6 Z06 - Not as nice a street car as an NSX but would be a blast at the track. Perhaps the 2008 Viper if I can get one for under $80K.

Between $40 and $50K - Would consider a 2002 Viper, 2006 Caman, 2007Boxster S or Later model NSX.

Under $40K - Boxster S or NSX (1997 or newer).
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Mine is not a daily driver so, i plan to keep it and add one more. i didn't think i would be so hooked on a car with a 15 year old design with a 6cylinder!!
I will admit, I plan on keeping this NSX until I drive it into the ground. Doubt I will pass it on to any kids, given my only kid so far won't be able to drive legally for another ~13 years.

I bought it fairly cheap back ($35k) in 1998 with 43k miles on it. It was 'the toy' I bought for myself given the years of nose-to-the-grindstone work I did to help get our company off the ground. I could afford to buy it, but I couldn't afford to own two cars, and had no where to park. So, it became and remains my only ride. I am fortunate enough to have a wife who loves the car rather than resents it.

I will drive this baby right into the ground. I'm at 98k miles. About to drop a new clutch in, just bought some rims off of NSXPrime, and reay to settle in for the next 100k miles.

Oh that's a no-brainer for me, the keeping part. But for eternity? I seriously doubt I'll outlive something as well-engineered, well-built, and rust-free all-aluminum NSX. :D

However, I love the romantic notion to pass the car on to my kids. But if they aren't going to be that much into this prized possesion of mine as I am and put up with the up-keeps to keep it running, and I won't force them to share my passion for NSX, I wouldn't burden them but I'll will the Zanardi back to Honda Motor Co. instead, only if they won't mind taking it back. In return, they have to 1) responsible for all expenses involved in importing the car into Japan, which also include shipping, 2) promise me to reserve a corner spot on the 3rd. floor of the Collection Hall in Motegi alongside the racing LeMans and GT NSX's, 3) perform scheduled maintenances required to keep the car in pristine running condition, and 4) take the car on demo runs during their fan appreciation days they held annually for all future enthusiasts visiting Twin Ring Motegi to enjoy, perhaps long into the future after internal combustion engined cars become relics of automotive history. I'd like the future generation of enthusiasts to understand why the NSX was once a great exotic sports car icon of late 20th century that revolutionized the industry.
I plan to keep mine forever. Several reasons.....#1 it's a great car! and it has significance in the history of sports cars. #2 you always hear stories from people from older generations, like my Dad, "I wish I had never sold that car, I loved that car, and it would be worth so much now". I am hoping that I won't repeat that as many before me have. #3, it's almost paid for and I have spent a fortune on it. I have many high aspirations for sports cars I want to buy, but plan to keep the NSX parked right next to them in the garage. I got my eye on the next prize already, I want to add a Aston Martin Vantage, currrently a lofty goal for me, but think I can get there, but the X will always be there. Anyway...thats my story...thanks
I'll pass it on to my daughters when I am too old to drive and have to surrender my driver license to the DMV.

After 8+ years of ownership, I can say that I admire this car more than ever before. If I can afford another sports car, it'll have to be the stablemate of my NSX.

I've been kicking myself for selling my 70 Pontiac GTO for $1600 back in 79. I needed the money for tuition. Now an good condition GTO will worth no less than $20k in the market today.

That's too funny!! I sold my 1969 GTO in 1980 for 1600.00!!! I was freaking because Premium was over a dollar a gallon, and hard too find!! I replaced it with a Toyota Celica GT not exactly a NSX!!:rolleyes:
I had this conversation with some friends today talking about cars, and they were trying to get me to buy something new. They both update cars regularly, and the one guy has spent an obscene amount of money on upgrading his current car. Anyway...I looked at my NSX, smiled, and said to them, 'Why on Earth would I want to go out and get a car payment on something that I will like less than the car I have now,' and that shut them up. :wink: :tongue: :cool: :smile: