DIY Window Switch AUTO-UP function

30 October 2008
France & Portugal
Hi Primembers
Along my summer window regulator tours across the States & Canada, I brought my window switches with me, from my European NSX (Honda then, not ACURA).
Angus from Vancouver found that with my switch his driver window suddenly had the AUTO-UP function, while with the ACURA switch this function does not exists, only the AUTO-DOWN is there. I would never notice it as to me this function was normal.
The interesting result is that it only depends on the switch, all the electronic / wires are present in the ACURA, this is the good part for you americans: your NSX is already prepared from factory to have the AUTO-UP :biggrin:

I promised I would post a DIY tutorial about it, I finally got my hands on an ACURA switch, so here it is!

Here are the 2 switches, the ACURA and the HONDA


They look exactly the same, only diference is that 1 wire was missing in the ACURA switch compared to the Honda



ACURA switch plug on the left, HONDA on the right


First idea was of course to connect the "missing" wire but that wasn't enough, that would be too easy :biggrin:
Then I noticed that on the ACURA switch we can't push the button as far as on the HONDA

This pictures shows the 5 positions of the HONDA switch :OFF, DOWN, AUTO-DOWN, and: OFF, UP, AUTO-UP
The ACURA doesn't have that last "click" postion for the AUTO UP


Opening the 2 switches, we can find what's happening: even if the auto-up function is disconnected in the ACURA, the switch can never reach that part of the small circuit board, by comparing the 2 right end parts of it


So I had no other solution then to disassemble the switch:wink:
First part is to pull the button out.
This is the most delicate part, be sure not to break anything! I used a small flat screw drive and gently pulled it out...



And here are all the internal switch parts.
There is only one way to fit them back, so go ahead, dissassemble that switch, do not worry now about reassembling it :biggrin:
I then compared all parts of the 2 switches, and found that only the switch cases are differents, all other parts are the same!

This pictures shows the 2 switch case types (top is HONDA, bottom ACURA)
Left red arrows is the "CLICK" position (hopefully they are the same)
Right red arrows show the plastic "bumpstop" wall located in a different position


The LEFT one is ACURA, right is HONDA switch case, with a longer rip/gape.

I then modified the ACURA switch case, I used 3 saws together to cut and increase the ACURA case rip/gape to look like the HONDA one, and destroyed that "bumpstop" wall so now the switch can go all way up...



Then just clean everything, solder that missing wire and now have the "JDM" AUTO-UP function !
This is Great!
Now, does the "missing" wire exist within the US cars wiring harness, and if it does not, where does it go to?
Thank you guys, it's my pleasure to share it with you

nsxter: the only missing wire is that one from the switch to its plug, the other one is there in your US door and car wiring harness
My Honda switch AUTO-UP function worked on Angus US/ACURA car, so the wires are there.
Hugo is the man. holy geez..

what else will he discover on our US no-option NSX's

he gonna find a wire next that gives us 600+ HP

your the man Hugo the man......

I wonder why Honda doesnt apply certain options on American cars.

I can tell you why they dont wanna get sued if some moron puts his head there and trys to OFF himself, then the family sues Honda for millions.

American are sue happy. they think of sueing someone like they think of winning the lottery. its sad.
Hugo, does your Honda switch auto function for the passenger side window?
Is there a way to modify the switches to the passenger window for auto down (and up) function?
It only gives you the driver side, I am going to use the DEI module even though this is a FANTASTIC mod!!!

Thanks HUGO and great work as usual!
stevenlee: the Honda switch does not have the AUTO for the passenger, but it could be done, you probably just need to find a spare switch to use the driver button, and another AUTO module to fit in the right door...and some extra wiring.
I will try it when I find some time, but it could be a good idea :biggrin:

ko-nsx: yes if you buy the Honda switch, all you have to do is plug and play it

There is also an easier solution (I THINK...) if you do not wish to modify the switch but still have the AUTO-UP: just shunt the 2 wires in the door plug, you will loose the normal "UP" function, and replace it by the permanent "AUTO-UP"


Then if you do not wish to let the window completely roll up, just invert the switch pressing "DOWN" 1 time to stop it, or lower it later to your desired position...
I must admit I haven't tried it yet, but I think it should work
Try it and let us know
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stevenlee: the Honda switch does not have the AUTO for the passenger, but it could be done, you probably just need to find a spare switch to use the driver button, and another AUTO module to fit in the right door...and some extra wiring.
I will try it when I find some time, but it could be a good idea :biggrin:

ko-nsx: yes if you buy the Honda switch, all you have to do is plug and play it

There is also an easier solution (I THINK...) if you do not wish to modify the switch but still have the AUTO-UP: just shunt the 2 wires in the door plug, you will loose the normal "UP" function, and replace it by the permanent "AUTO-UP"


Then if you do not wish to let the window completely roll up, just invert the switch pressing "DOWN" 1 time to stop it, or lower it later to your desired position...
I must admit I haven't tried it yet, but I think it should work
Try it and let us know

Since we set up my car with the wire already, I'll try it ad report.
I just tried it, it works, I was afraid it would also mess with the AUTO-DOWN but it doesn't! :biggrin:
Just remember, you will loose the normal "UP" function, and will have to press "DOWN" 1 time to stop the window from completely rolling up each time you close it

I call this shunt the "EASIEST DIY MOD OF ALL TIMES"

Do the switch MOD and you'll have both UP and AUTO-UP functions

Have fun!
Since the auto is mostly a function of the motor (the driver motor has 4 wires) it won't be as easy to make the passenger window do auto.
You're right angus, we would also need to modify the passenger motor to include the driver pulsating device to be read by the 2nd AUTO module, I forgot that crucial detail!
Technically it is still possible, but we would need a spare driver switch, a spare AUTO module, a spare driver motor or a RHD car right motor, and some aditional wiring passing through both doors, I think it clearly doesn't worth the effort

What are those DEI modules you are talking about? Do they have the passenger AUTO function?
You're right angus, we would also need to modify the passenger motor to include the driver pulsating device to be read by the 2nd AUTO module, I forgot that crucial detail!
Technically it is still possible, but we would need a spare driver switch, a spare AUTO module, a spare driver motor or a RHD car right motor, and some aditional wiring passing through both doors, I think it clearly doesn't worth the effort

What are those DEI modules you are talking about? Do they have the passenger AUTO function?

The DEI module I was referring to:

It's made to automate the windows by connecting to alarm unit, a side effect is that it gives one touch up/dn on both windows, it operates as your shunt does, touch it it goes up, to stop you have to hit switch again - or hold it for longer than one second.

I have installed tons of these over the years and the 530T is the best yet - works perfectly! And I love that you can crack the windows to vent.
That DEI box looks like the ticket but a couple questions if you don't mind. First is does it then allow the switches in the door to operate both windows in an auto fashion? Second does it havee to be used in conjunction with a DEI alarm system?

I had alpine alarm when I got my car. it had an ad-on option installed which allowed you to auto up/down your windows. long story short

it got overloaded and fried my Main relay, shorted out my ignition switch, and cost me over 800 bucks to fix.

I dont mess with the auto window, auto start auto anything anymore.

if it was made from the factory then it stays.

and if it made by honda it lasts forever.
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