DIY targa install?

23 July 2007
Has anyone ever taken a hard top and had it converted to a T style model? If so, are there any pictures, comments, costs and risks involved. Would it be worth it, and would It look right?
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you can do it, but it is very expensive to do it right. not only do you have to worry about the top, there is also a lot of stiffness that needs to be added to the car. to do this, you would have to take the whole car apart (among a whole bunch of other work)

you are definitely better off spending the extra money toward a newer, more improved nsx.

from previous discussions, the general consensus is to buy an already-targa nsx.
Hey Sarge,
After seeing your car this summer on the Mt Baker drive I would not do it. Your car is way too clean to do a modification like this. If you want a targa, take your time and sell your car for what it is worth and then find a targa.

There is too much structure support that was done to the targa to retain as much of the chassis integrity as possible. They did a good job making a targa out of an original coupe design, but there was some stiffness that was lost, not to mention the weight gain.

There are plenty of nice clean 95+ auto targas out there.

Just my 2 cents worth,
roof conversions are a very involved and costly process, and with the aluminum construction of the NSX, its even more dangerous. I believe it took anil's (closest Type R NSX) a few months to convert targa to Coupe. Doing the reverse would involve more work as you have to beef up the reinforcements for the roof.
Thanks for the input guys, I guess thats what I needed to hear, If someone had said look I did it and it was perfect I may have raised an eyebrow. I didnt realize the NSX-T lost some stiffness. Makes me want to just leave it alone even more. Thanks for the posts