DIY failure again

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
:mad: Please Laugh at me again, after my failure to follow instuctions and using wrong tools installing Stainless line 5 months ago... I guessed I just never learnt...

I read the FAQ about the wind noise and the way to get rid of it, so here I come "massaging" the weather strip and even put a little double sided tape underneath B pillar... The "hauling" noise doesn't exist at 100mph+ anymore, It start creating wind noise as soon as I went over 60mph... :mad:

Any other way of "fixing it", other than buying the $130 new weather stippings??

thanks for your info... :o
You talking about the strip at the top of the front window?
yes, I believed the wind come in at the bottom, where the traingle thing meet and seems like my window doesn't go higher as my friend's window does, so could that be the problem??

what's strange is that before I tried to "fix" it, it's not that terrible, as soon as I "massage it" wind just come in, I didn't have the chance to spray water towards the window, I bet water will leak right in too... :rolleyes:

I'm wondering anyone have any good fix other than adjust the window / a new weather strip??
I think your going to end up with adjusting the window. When I bought my car 3 years ago I had to do the same thing. The hardest part was taking of the door panel, but after that it was ALOT easier than I thought. Just give it a try because it is nice :D to be able to hear inside the car :eek: .
or you might want to try what worked for me:

Go to AutoZone and buy an Eagle One Tire Wipe Sponge.

Slice off a small rectangle 3/8" x 3/8" of the denser yellow end of it and wedge it up under the rubber window gasket right where the little triangle in the door meets the window.

It will form over the window and frame and eliminate the wind noise.
You might have to reposition it to get it perfect, but its worked for me the past 3 years.

nsxexotic said:
I get that stupid wind noise too - its so bothersome.
You need to adjust the window glass positioning. You will find instructions on how to do this in the service manual. Go to the table of contents at the start of the Body section, and look for Doors - Glass Adjustment.

I had this noise, and my NSX tech adjusted the door glass. Voila! No more noise.
I originally tried that route to adjust the glass but couldn't seem to change the noise.
Maybe I'm just inept.
I figured the rubber had lost some elasticity because no matter where the glass was adjusted in the door frame the noise never changed. I could see the set in the rubber from the door frame so I figured I'd just bolster it some from behind with the foam and it worked.
Great idea!! I will try it and let you know how it works