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Dispute over oil cooler with racer98

A point of view from someone with sales experience.

It sounds that both of you agree that the "HKS Oil Cooler Kit" is not complete. It could be made to work, but is not complete as it was sold.

Because of this, the seller should offer to refund a reasonable amount of the purchase price if the parts are returned in the same condition they were shipped. A reasonable amount may be the purchase price in full, or the purchase price minus shipping, and any fees. You should both probably chock this up as an experience.

I offered him a refund less a reasonable restocking fee, which he refused.
I offered him a refund less a reasonable restocking fee, which he refused.
Im in retail sales and the fact that you want to charge a "reasonable" restocking fee on a used product that was sold under false pretences is ridiculous at best.
I offered him a refund less a reasonable restocking fee, which he refused.

In my experience, a 30% "restocking" fee is not reasonable if what you sold was not as advertised. Although it may not have been your intention, you sold an item that turned out to not be accurately advertised. The term "complete" is a pretty clear term. You need to make some concessions yourself because of this.

Your eBay fees were probably around $10-15. The PayPal fee was probably around 2.5%. Why don't you accept the items back less these fees? If you feel strongly about the value of this item, you should not have a problem better organizing and reselling the item.

This sounds very reasonable and would put the issue to rest.
I offered him a refund less a reasonable restocking fee, which he refused.

A refund less a reasonable restocking fee? What is that? Do you have a storefront with shelves full of products for sale?

It's clear you both disagree on this. But from my reading you advertised a complete kit. It's obviously not a complete kit. You both seem to agree on that.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary lists the definition of "complete" here.

having all necessary parts, elements, or steps what you sent clearly doesn't have all necessary parts or elements.

It's funny because they also define it as " brought to an end : concluded <a complete period of time

Just conclude this and refund all of his money.
I hate to get in the middle of things, I have dealt with Karim for 3 years, never had a bad transaction as buyer or seller.

I looked at the original oil cooler in question when it came up for sale, it is complete, all the parts are there to cool oil(adapter, lines and a cooler). It was obvious to me it was not an NSX specific application and would require some mods to get it to work so I chose to pass on it.

I don't have much else to say. When I buy a used part, I personally accept the risk of it not being exactly what I want and I make it work...maybe I am unusual in that way.

If I was buying some random used part that was advertised as "incomplete", or "some parts needed for specific applications" that's one thing. If I saw something that said NSX LM HT Oil Coiler and it was advertised as a complete kit, I would expect a complete kit that was specific for the NSX. I don't know where the confusion comes from.

Perhaps Racer98 worded his ad wrong. (It's obvious he did) He should admit it, refund the money and move on. Sounds easy to me. This has been going on for a long time.
A refund less a reasonable restocking fee? What is that? Do you have a storefront with shelves full of products for sale?

It's clear you both disagree on this. But from my reading you advertised a complete kit. It's obviously not a complete kit. You both seem to agree on that.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary lists the definition of "complete" here.

having all necessary parts, elements, or steps what you sent clearly doesn't have all necessary parts or elements.

It's funny because they also define it as " brought to an end : concluded <a complete period of time

Just conclude this and refund all of his money.
The next word you need to look up is Coprophragia. ;)

Anyone who has done any business in the real world (read: someone who lacks this odd/false sense of entitlement who can survive away from his computer) knows that restocking fees are the norm. They protect sellers from lost opportunity as well as the time value of the money they need to refund. It is a standard safeguard we have in case we encounter a completely unreasonable person with no mechanical or comprehension skills.

Y'know what I mean? ;)
racer98 why not post up the original Ebay ad? Prove that you didn't mention the kit was "complete"...and that it was not a "NSX GT LM" Oil Cooler.
Be a man and issue Ponyboy his refund and he'll ship you back the "incomplete" kit...

You know reading the comments back into 2007 was interesting. Someone decided to moderate and somewhat side with racer98 when in fact was caught out benefiting from another notorious vendor with questionable ethics from a European country.

racer98 ask Tamoske how he's doing with NSX parts sales lately...

To everyone on this forum beware when buying parts from private individuals and check their Itrader ratings carefully although that's not a guarantee of anything - just buyer/seller feedback. If anything this thread is a learning lesson and does benefit the NSX Community.
Let me point some things out for you.

Firstly, I have no affiliation with Ponyboy whatsoever. What interest do you think I have to help promote his so-called “slander?” My post was my experience with you and if it helps him or not, I have no benefit to gain either way.

Second, I did not post a thread back then. I know that because I didn’t get on this forum until last year. So I don’t know where you got this idea of me posting and calling you out. As far as publicly embarrassing me by calling me a deadbeat, I think you just did and I’m very much disturbed by your attitude. It quite surprises me because you project the same kind of arrogant stance to anyone that’s trying to resolve some issues with you. Instead of actually trying to help your customers, you attack them instead.

Third, trusting me and my word? We had a written agreement, not a verbal one. It states that I’m supposed to give you 50% of the full price of the transaction and 50% payable upon delivery in approximately 6 months. I gave you a cashier’s check for the 50%, a year passed by and you still haven’t shown me a car, even a part of the car or a picture nonetheless. So, let me get this straight… you still have my money, your part of the transaction was never met, and you’re the victim here?

Lastly, let me give you an advice on how to resolve Ponyboy’s issue. Give him a full refund. No re-stocking fee or any bs fees. We all know that you don’t even have to lift a finger to “re-stock” an oil cooler. I’ve had instances where I accepted a full refund for a clip before. And you know why I did that? Because from my experience, you regain a customer’s trust and most of the time, they come back to you.

Well, I don’t really want to hijack this thread so good luck to you Ponyboy.

Ahh yes, I remember you as well. Nice to see you, out from under your rock, promoting the buyer's slander with more negativity of your own. Word up....Don't conveniently forget all the details next time: like how you did not have the money to pay for the car after I sourced it, had it shipped and as it was arriving in Long Beach! Oddly enough, your response back then was to come on here and post a thread calling me out?!? I didn't, at that time, come on here and publicly embarrass you by calling you a deadbeat so I can't understand why you would risk me doing it now....You have left a trail of burned bridges in your wake (US CUSTOMS included) so I'd refrain from the stone throwing if I was you. If you could not afford it, you shouldn't have had me arrange for shipment! My bad for trusting you and your word I guess?

Is there some Ponyboy Shill network running in the background? Don't sell your memory short. EBay ad text seems to be longer lasting to those with poor business acumen it seems :rolleyes:

T-Dave, Thanks for the heads up! ;)
Anyone who has done any business in the real world (read: someone who lacks this odd/false sense of entitlement who can survive away from his computer) knows that restocking fees are the norm. They protect sellers from lost opportunity as well as the time value of the money they need to refund. It is a standard safeguard we have in case we encounter a completely unreasonable person with no mechanical or comprehension skills.

Y'know what I mean? ;)

A brief chime in.......

Sometimes in business, even if you think you're right, you still lose. Perception is reality.

Without taking sides in the dispute, if it were me, I would have just gone with the path of least resistance, and offered the refund, resold the product (with perhaps a crystal clear understanding or including the needed parts), and moved on.

I've had sales situations that have run the gamut of everything from cordial to insane, and I try to place myself in the shoes of the customer while coming to a conclusion that makes sense. And still once in a whole, you don't win.

I had a customer once inquire about an Acura MusicLink kit. Now the kits were so lousy in form and function that every time a customer inquired, I explained in detail exactly why they DONT want this clunky thing. This customer I knew for a while, and I went through in explicit detail all of the functions and why he wouldn't want it. He fully understood, and said that he wanted it anyways. Well, okay, if you insist.....

He calls back about two weeks later, and having installed the kit, told me that I'd hit all of the points on the kit dead on, and that I was right, that he didn't like it for the exact reasons that I'd stated, and wanted to return it. Installed kit, no box, no hardware. I told him I couldn't. No argument, he was disappointed, but understood.

Customer then issues a complaint with Acura corporate against me and the dealership. Customer gets the refund on the kit through corporate, and we process it in-house as a warranty item as per our district rep.

Sometimes the customer is right, sometimes they're not. If they're right, you lose, if they're wrong, you lose......it's all about how you handle it at the point of the problem. As a businessman, I have no idea why you'd waste the time and energy on a point of your perceived principle.

To racer98: I wasn't here for the original transaction, but regardless whether ponyboy was right or wrong, his issue should have been satisfied. A post from a respected member saying that the vendor was very good in handling a problem (and we ALL get them) looks a heck of a lot better than this train wreck on your credibility.
Since we are now rehashing the over 2 year old past from memory, I thought I'd throw in a little documented fact......

Here is the feedback, posted by The Buyer... Judge for yourself!

Positive feedback rating Part shipped immediately. Excellent communication. Great eBay seller. Thanks! Buyer:
barhonda32 ( 74 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Jul-26-06 16:40
-- (#220006345668)

....and as long as we're on the subject of "Judge" The judge tossed this frivolous case in about 3 seconds for wasting his time, like you're wasting ours! You're losing more and more face by the minute! Don't you think other sellers are reading this? Don't you think they will think twice before doing business with some whiny, NON mechanically inclined kid behind a computer console, waiting to sue the world with his false sense of entitlement?

You're a JOKE!


You had MORE THAN Enough time to come up with the other half of the money, as agreed, before the shipment arrived. You didn't and left me to scramble.... Don't rehash your financial ineptitude in front of the world.....
A brief chime in.......

Sometimes in business, even if you think you're right, you still lose. Perception is reality.

Without taking sides in the dispute, if it were me, I would have just gone with the path of least resistance, and offered the refund, resold the product (with perhaps a crystal clear understanding or including the needed parts), and moved on.

I've had sales situations that have run the gamut of everything from cordial to insane, and I try to place myself in the shoes of the customer while coming to a conclusion that makes sense. And still once in a whole, you don't win.

I had a customer once inquire about an Acura MusicLink kit. Now the kits were so lousy in form and function that every time a customer inquired, I explained in detail exactly why they DONT want this clunky thing. This customer I knew for a while, and I went through in explicit detail all of the functions and why he wouldn't want it. He fully understood, and said that he wanted it anyways. Well, okay, if you insist.....

He calls back about two weeks later, and having installed the kit, told me that I'd hit all of the points on the kit dead on, and that I was right, that he didn't like it for the exact reasons that I'd stated, and wanted to return it. Installed kit, no box, no hardware. I told him I couldn't. No argument, he was disappointed, but understood.

Customer then issues a complaint with Acura corporate against me and the dealership. Customer gets the refund on the kit through corporate, and we process it in-house as a warranty item as per our district rep.

Sometimes the customer is right, sometimes they're not. If they're right, you lose, if they're wrong, you lose......it's all about how you handle it at the point of the problem. As a businessman, I have no idea why you'd waste the time and energy on a point of your perceived principle.

To racer98: I wasn't here for the original transaction, but regardless whether ponyboy was right or wrong, his issue should have been satisfied. A post from a respected member saying that the vendor was very good in handling a problem (and we ALL get them) looks a heck of a lot better than this train wreck on your credibility.

I think you hit the nail right on the head. The customer is always right. My dad was a manager in various forms for Woolworth's and a few other retailers before he retired last year. One of the biggest business lessons I ever learned from him, I witnessed first hand while in one of the stores with him. A car was visibly upset (I don't remember about what) and they wouldn't calm down until their issue was resolved. My dad stepped in and said, "You're right. What can we do to resolve this situattion?"

I talked to my dad about this later and the customer wasn't right at all. But he told me that 99% of the time if you simply ask them how they'd like the situation resolved, they'll be reasonable and you can both move forward. Sure you'll still get the 1% psychotic people, but for the most part any situation can be resolved without either party doing anything out of the ordinary.

Which is exactly what I think is going on here. The buyer doesn't think he got what he paid for. Instead of creating an even bigger stink out about this, a refund should be in order, take the parts back and resell them with all the parts included or a better description. No harm done, right?
You're losing more and more face by the minute! Don't you think other sellers are reading this? Don't you think they will think twice before doing business with some whiny, NON mechanically inclined kid behind a computer console, waiting to sue the world with his false sense of entitlement?

I'm sure there are just as many buyers reading this and wondering if they should do business with you as well.
Anyone else ever got something on eBay, posted a feedback, only to realize there's something wrong with the item and then could not change the feedback or resolve the problem afterward? 'Cause I have.

And then back to our transaction...

Why would I come up with the money before the shipment arrived?

Let me make this a LOT easier for you. I really think that the numbers and details are getting in the way on how you brain process information.

I asked you for a cherry lollipop for and agreed price of $1.00. I gave you 50 cents and you said that in 1 week you’re going to give me my candy, and at the same time I give you another 50 cents. It’s as simple as that!

The store isn’t getting cherry lollipops for another week? I would’ve worked around it. You had to fight a school bully to get it through the Long Beach candy emporium? You had to do other chores that your mom wanted you to do? It doesn’t really matter to me. As long as in a week, you SHOW me a cherry lollipop, then you’ll get my 50 cents. If I couldn’t come up with 50 cents, then you keep my first 50 cents.

I would’ve gladly given you 50 cents already if I got a mere crayon drawing of a candy. But you couldn’t even do that. And you also wanted to change the price to 1.50. And just to let you know, I still have $19 left for my weekly allowance that month.

I hope that helps.

Positive feedback rating Part shipped immediately. Excellent communication. Great eBay seller. Thanks! Buyer:
barhonda32 ( 74 [Feedback score is 50 to 99] )
Jul-26-06 16:40
-- (#220006345668)

You're a JOKE!


You had MORE THAN Enough time to come up with the other half of the money, as agreed, before the shipment arrived. You didn't and left me to scramble.... Don't rehash your financial ineptitude in front of the world.....
Since we are now rehashing the over 2 year old past from memory, I thought I'd throw in a little documented fact......

Here is the feedback, posted by The Buyer...

That was after I bought, you shipped quickly (a point which I never debated), and after your various promises.

....and as long as we're on the subject of "Judge" The judge tossed this frivolous case in about 3 seconds for wasting his time, like you're wasting ours! You're losing more and more face by the minute! Don't you think other sellers are reading this? Don't you think they will think twice before doing business with some whiny, NON mechanically inclined kid behind a computer console, waiting to sue the world with his false sense of entitlement?

You're a JOKE!

This is funny. And I'm the one losing face?
I'm sure there are just as many buyers reading this and wondering if they should do business with you as well.
No kidding, I read the whole thread and wouldn't buy from racer98 under any circumstances. I can't believe the nerve he's got asking for 30% restocking on a used part that was incorrectly advertised.
And then back to our transaction...

Why would I come up with the money before the shipment arrived?

Let me make this a LOT easier for you. I really think that the numbers and details are getting in the way on how you brain process information.


You are leaving a lot out of it, you paid me a deposit, didnt change the price on you, when asked for the funds you said you didnt have it and left me hanging.

99% of everyone else on here I sold to got their items, if there was a problem I took care of it and handeld it properly, you and someone else didn't.
You are leaving a lot out of it, you paid me a deposit, didnt change the price on you, when asked for the funds you said you didnt have it and left me hanging.

99% of everyone else on here I sold to got their items, if there was a problem I took care of it and handeld it properly, you and someone else didn't.
Listen, i cant make this any clearer than this. You are WRONG. I own and operate a retail business, even if you are not wrong if you want to continue to do business you refund the man his money, apoligize for the trouble and continue on. However, in this particular situation you are so wrong that you are making yourself look like a fool and a crook. Its so obvious that you are in the wrong that people like me who own and run sucessful businesses simply look at you and shake our heads. The amount of potential business that you have lost arguing over a couple hundred bucks is most likely a staggering amount. Think of all the parts that could have been sold on this forum if you hadnt shown your ass to most of your customer base.
Just lost another dealer in my area last month to this same exact situation. If no one will do business with you because they think theyll be treated in a similar manner as this one, then who are you gonna sell too?

Do you understand now? Of course if you dont it doesnt really matter now, the damage has been done.
I see in your signature that you've added ebay feedback left by Ponyboy. He never said on here that you shipped the items late. He has however said many times that the item was not a complete kit. I don't see any ebay feedback from him that said the item shipped was exactly as descriped or something similar.