Discouraged & disgusted

10 February 2004
Nor Cal
:mad: I received my stage 2 Spec clutch with a lightweight aluminum fly wheel almost a month after I placed my order. I had a well renowned engine builder do the install. He was back up to weeks so; it has taken a month in a half to get the project started. The install was completed in two-day’s with out the use any air gun’s, I had the clutch master cylinder replaced as well.

I can’t get my car into first gear or reverse with out starting it in gear and shifting is very difficult at best. The installer talked with Spec & they said it needs to be broken in. We both find this hard to believe.

Now it makes a nerve shattering sound from 5k to 6k RPMS in every gear. Once in gear, the clutch performs amazingly, only if I could get it into gear.

To top it off, while going to my girlfriend’s house last night I ran over a piece of metal that flipped up put three huge scratches on my door.

Where do I go from here? How much
I know the labor is expensive, but you might want to consider pulling out the clutch and returning it. You are not the first one to have a problem with the SPEC clutch. I believe there was one or two bad experiences posted on Prime, but there are several others that I am aware of that will not be posted on here.

Though it is possible there was a mistake in the install, I can tell you that the SPEC Stage II clutch does not come close to holding their claimed HP/Torque ratings. Perhaps SPEC's other clutches are fantastic, but the Stage II should be examined carefully before purchasing.
Now What?

Will I have to cover the cost to have it removed & re-installed or, should Spec have any reposibility?

I noticed a previous thread on Spec, however, I could not find it. I'm finding hard to keep a positive attitude after spending over $2500 & getting this type of result! :mad:
They should cover the cost. This has happened before with their clutches. They are crap.
vintagecarman said:
I noticed a previous thread on Spec, however, I could not find it.
I find that difficult to believe.

Find this button at the top of your screen, and click on it:


Then do a search on all topics in all forums with the word "spec" in the title only. You should get about 28 topics, and about the third one listed will be called "Spec Brand clutch".

Or, you can just display all the topics in the General Discussion forum for the past 30 days, and do a "find" on your screen for "spec".

I though this forum was for support, open discussions and or advice.

Anyway, there’s more to this thread than Spec clutch. I had a very disappointing day. Not only am I experiencing severe mechanical problems but, I get three huge scathes on the same day. I might have to have the entire door painted.

Maybe you should consider offering some help & forget about finding pleasure in being a Nazi.

See my thread in the tech forum. My SPEC Stage 2 clutch has just been fitted. I had a test drive after the dealer told me engaging gears was hard, bearing on impossible. It sure was difficult to drive, and I'm not confident it won't leave me stranded somewhere.

I am in the UK, have to pay higher labour rates than you guys do, and get the thing shipped here (and back if need be).

Going to try more adjustments etc later. I hope SPEC do sort me out, if the problem can't be fixed.

I don't care about posting facts about parts makers on public websites. This is what they are for, to educate the community. The problem can't be down to installers. This is happening too many times.
If they tell you to take the shims out of the flywheel, don't do it. This does not solve the problem and it will only make it cost more. Tell them you want your money back for a clutch that does not work and tell them that they should pay for the spec clutch being installed. Don't back down on this, get your money back, they are the worst clutches you could bye. I have driven one, and you had to put it in gear and then start the car. Same problem you had. Don't try to fix it, just get your money back.

Sorry about the scratches. Before you paint the door, you should consider a full body off repaint. If you take all of the panels off yourself it will cut the cost signifigantly. Just take everything off the car except the doors and top (cause you can't, duh). I will do this soon hopefully. I would do this also because I don't trust anybody taking panels off my car.
Thanks for the advice!

This situation really sucks; I’ve already gone almost two months with out driving it. Every now and then I would pull off the cover, sit in it and look at it. Now having to deal with spec, and a re-install, I might have to see a therapist. Along with the thought of a re-painted, this will be a real scorcher!

I will say that is a major performance gain with the lightweight aluminum flywheel, when it works. I know I will not being going with an OEM. Any advice on a performance clutch under 2K?

I’ll being calling Spec on Monday & follow up to this thread on the out come.
Autologic Inc. in Houston TX sells a clutchmasters single disc for around 1700 dollars. It is a stage three. I have it in my car and I love the feel, even better than a comptech powergrip. It will hold about 450 horsepower. It is a great clutch. They can be contacted at 7135162081. Brad Able is the owner. They are open today (Saturday). It comes with the clutch and lightweight flywheel and the throwout bearing and pilot bearing. You only have to order the six speed flywheel bolts from Acura. I would really consider this clutch for everyday and track, I love it.
I feel your pain! Trust me.

This is what I recommend. Contact the vendor who you bought the clutch from and try to work things out to get your problems resolved. I would not drive the car if the tranny is not shifting like it should be.

G Luck,
- Z

btw, I don't think Spec is a bad clutch, just try having the issues fixed, and you should be happy w/it! ;)
vintagecarman said:
I though this forum was for support, open discussions and or advice.
Maybe you should consider offering some help & forget about finding pleasure in being a Nazi.
Maybe YOU should stop and realize that in my post, I told you how to find the topics that you never even looked for. That IS help and support - and anyone who's reasonably appreciative would understand that.

Sheesh... No soup for you.
Geez guys, I don't want to see any blood. Lets all kiss and make out, oops, I mean make up.
<B>Vintagecarman</B> : Don't mind the Forums Nazi. He is actually a lovely sweet guy; always looking out for forum members and helping those in need.

I think today he must have had George Costanza in his Soup Store - hence the irritation.

We all love NSX's, so we're all family. :D LOL, actually, that's a better explaination than my above paragraph.
Work in Progress!

I called Spec yesterday, and they are willing to send me their custom single plate clutch at no extra cost. Dave told me that it was a $2k clutch and that would help make up for the cost of re-install.

However, after reading the thread by Chris at SOS and checking their web site. I noticed that they are selling for $1300. Hmm, doesn’t seem like as good of deal today.

When I talked with Dave, he looked through the paper work from the vendor I purchased the clutch form and notice the following. The Vendor to be mentioned later had ordered the stage two with lightweight flywheel. However, he than cancelled the order & had a clutch without lightweight flywheel sent. He than changed out the flywheel with aluminum one he had in stock then sold it to me. I believe this caused the complete major malfunction. After less than 100 miles is was slipping in every gear. I mean, the clutch was gone!

Regardless, I will have to pay for the re-install of a defective clutch that Spec should not be selling for NSX’s.

No hard feelings Forum Nazi! It just happened to be very bad time to lend forum etiquette.

Thanks for every ones continued support!
Re: Work in Progress!

vintagecarman said:
The Vendor to be mentioned later had ordered the stage two with lightweight flywheel.
why later:confused: .if a vendor is telling you he is supplying one thing then actually supplies something else that is not compatable with the clutch and then hence ruins it, then why not name them from the start.
Actually the flywheel the shop sold you should have worked fine. If it was for a twin disc clutch then it should have worked. Fidanza and tilton make flywheels that you can use with other clutches without a problem. Spec is not a good company. They do not fix obvious problems with their products and they do not make a good quality product to begin with. I would suggest no one buy a spec clutch. The money saved is not worth the headache afterwards. I would sell that single disc and go with something better. It is not worth 2000 dollars either. It is maybe worth 1300 or even less. You should have spec pay for the install also. Keep fighting on this, don't give up. Their product caused the headache, not the flywheel.
More BS

Obviously this situation sucks! Dave lied when telling me it was a $2k clutch. He said it was being shipped ASAP and I should have it with in a couple of days. Here’s the other thing. With the Custom Single disc they don’t need a core exchange however, they are expecting me to ship the defective core back. Not bad a deal for Spec. Sell a defective clutch to an UN-reliable vendor and loose nothing. I’ll wait to get the clutch to bargain!

Now the total cost of installation will be over $1500 and over two months to complete. Makes me wish I would of taken my NSX to Acura and got a factory clutch and no hassle!

The Vendor in question is Speed with in reach. Clearwater Florida

Through it all, wouldn’t want to drive any other car!
You should just tell them. You cannot accept the clutch and that you would like to return the defective one, the single disc also, and have them pay for the install. It is only fare. They messed up, not you. They are the company and they have to stand behind their products.
Re: Thanks for the advice!

vintagecarman said:
I know I will not being going with an OEM. Any advice on a performance clutch under 2K?

What do you not like about the OEM?
Miss- driving my NSX!

From what Chris at SOS said on his thread, the single custom is a good clutch. I’ll wait unit I receive the single disc to make a final decision.

Keep this in mind, during the down time I have been forced to drive an 83 Mercedes 300Sl. Can you imagine my pain?

I have several mod’s on the NSX and thought a performance clutch was in order.
I have nothing against the OEM; I was just looking for more performance.
Regarding flywheels. When the order for my clutch was made, a flywheel was sent to them, and then the clutch was returned complete from Spec. The flywheel is a Tilton.

Needless to say, it doesn't help, as the clutch still doesn't work. With the clutch dragging like it does (why you can't enage gear) the discs will wear out in no time. Same goes for an OEM clutch that has not been initialised.
Re: Miss- driving my NSX!

vintagecarman said:

Keep this in mind, during the down time I have been forced to drive an 83 Mercedes 300Sl. Can you imagine my pain?

I got you beat! The 2 + months my NSX has been down, I've been driving a beaten up 91 Acura Integ, with no power steering, no power windows, bad cv joints, no stereo, and no reg. or inspec. stickers!
And with my luck, while the NSX was down, I went to visit it and talk about the problems. Well, someone from the bodyshop next door backed into my Teg!!! I just laughed, what luck I have! They offered to fix it for free, but that left me car-less for a week. :(

Ok, back on topic. I had the rebuilt dual disk, didnt work for me. So I got a new Single disk and it is smooth as butter! Shifting that is. Driving it, it shudders like a mofo, but I was told it needs to break in. So after a few hundred miles, it has gotten a lot smoother. So far, I really like the new single disk I got. If I find anything wrong with it, trust me, everyone will hear about it! ;)

G Luck with yours...
- Z

Driving it, it shudders like a mofo, but I was told it needs to break in. So after a few hundred miles, it has gotten a lot smoother.

So, does it still shudder? Would you recommend your single disc?
Re: ?

vintagecarman said:

So, does it still shudder? Would you recommend your single disc?

As of right now, yes, the clutch does shudder some. But like I said, it has gotten a lot better since it was installed. I believe once broken in, the clutch will be really smooth. So far, I'm happy, sheet, I'm just happy the car is driving. :D
I havent been able to fully break in the clutch yet because the car was taken out the repair shop, and is at the bodyshop now. So I only had it for a few days inbetween. Once I get it out and put some more miles on it and really do some spirited driving, I'll make my recommendation!

- Z