Different views of my NSX! NOT WORK SAFE

WOW! Amazing! This thread is still alive ...... thought it would be Dead by now.
I guess I can post some more pics that never made it to this thread. I'll look
for some more, I've got a ton!

Take care,


P.S. Blue Knight & Neo, hope you guys are doing well! :biggrin:
MiamiMermaid said:
No way. These are *classy* pics. Making me think of doing my own! :tongue:

That will get the stalkers chatting! :biggrin:
I would agree you might take over as the reigning queen of prime with that act though (although you already are to many of us, because you are more than eye candy!)
PS- I LOVE MY WIFE SHE IS SO HOT (in case she reads this, I need to cover my azz!) :tongue: :tongue: :rolleyes:
Shumdit said:
That will get the stalkers chatting! :biggrin:
I would agree you might take over as the reigning queen of prime with that act though (although you already are to many of us, because you are more than eye candy!)
PS- I LOVE MY WIFE SHE IS SO HOT (in case she reads this, I need to cover my azz!) :tongue: :tongue: :rolleyes:

p.s. re: my quote :: those are classy pics :tongue: * makez me think of doing my own " ::

those are in the private file... ;)
It's actually a safe. The combo'z hard 2 get.

BTW: Download Sex Pistols' "Road Runner" now! Well, if you're a Speed Enthusiast ......
haha nice i remember when i use to go to the import shows and take pictures like that ;)
The King of Pix returns! :D

Single Samurai said:
I guess I can post some more pics that never made it to this thread. I'll look for some more, I've got a ton!
P.S. Blue Knight & Neo, hope you guys are doing well! :biggrin:

Terry, we *knew* you were holding out on us. ;) Poor Blue Knight was never the same after this thread... he eventually went back to his wife and leads a quiet normal life. :p Please don't torment him by saying you'll post more pix if you don't mean it... i dont think he could take it again. :p :D j/k

<B>gtr</B> : Over a quarter million hits, though 250,000 of those were from <B>Blue Knight</B>. :D And with 767 posts, this leaves threads such as <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29593&highlight=longest+thread">The Worlds Longest Thread</A> for dead... Like Elvis, Terry is 'The King' and always will be. :)
NeoNSX said:
The King of Pix returns! :D


I had to go back to my boring real life too.. no wife to go back to though. I started hanging in the Vendors forum and that have costed me a lot more money than a wife would.

I hope we now can get this thread going again.. :)

martin said:

I had to go back to my boring real life too.. no wife to go back to though. I started hanging in the Vendors forum and that have costed me a lot more money than a wife would.

I hope we now can get this thread going again.. :)


I am not sure if that's true. I could have owned a fleet of NSX's and a few F-cars for what marriage has cost me in $$$ terms (not that I would want it any differently). Of course, if the marriage goes South, then the big $$$ starts to burn! :biggrin:
Single Samurai said:
WOW! Amazing! This thread is still alive ...... thought it would be Dead by now.
I guess I can post some more pics that never made it to this thread. I'll look
for some more, I've got a ton!

Take care,


P.S. Blue Knight & Neo, hope you guys are doing well! :biggrin:

yo, bro....a little bird told me you're back...can't wait for them pics...
I thought you like it. :) Some more pictures of the hot girl in police dress. My friend's NSX was winning the NSX contest with his perfect NSX. Enjoy! :)
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goldNSX said:
My friend's NSX was winning the NSX contest with his perfect NSX.

Thats Mischa his NSX isn't it?
One very very clean NSX.

I realy dig the girl in the white shorts, man........ what an butt!! O... and the girl in the black pvc dress has some nice legs to.

DutchBlackNsx said:
Thats Mischa his NSX isn't it?
One very very clean NSX.

I realy dig the girl in the white shorts, man........ what an butt!! O... and the girl in the black pvc dress has some nice legs to.


Yes, that's Micha's NSX, a very nice West Wings/02 Rear combo! :) Nice 02-Rear like the white girl's butt! :D:D:D
I planned the 02 Rear with a Comptech too. :)
Ski_Banker said:
Is there a Cliffs Notes version of this?

(promise this isn't a "bump") :biggrin:

ohh no!!!!

you did not just wake up this thread :biggrin:

(same here, promise this isn't a "bump")
Now Terry's back, i'm only here to welcome back the King of Pix! :D

<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=30166&stc=1&d=1163764192">

777 posts,
306,372 view hits. :eek: (200,000 attributed to <B>blueknight</B> & <B>Martin</B> :D )
This is the only TRUE longest thread of NSX Prime.... even longer than that Iraq war thread. :wink:


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16 pages- but no hint of the "Special Project"... I am actually bummed.

I missed this thread in it's hey day. Too busy with the Integra I suspect, but I am wondering if Christine is the woman that Terry brought to NSteXpo 03? I remember he had an attractive lady with him, but that may have been his significant other.

Nice folks though...


P.S. janghs80- no need for hate here.
janghs80 said:
I can't believe they think they are sexy or pretty. No brain bitches. They are the ugliest asians girls I've ever seen.

hmmmm....if you havin girl problems i feel bad for you son....i got 99 problems and b1+ch aint one:tongue:
With Terry it is not just the pics to be jealous of...if there is anything I remember from my days in Houston hanging out with the Texas crowd, I always knew I could count on Terry for 2 things...having the nicest rims in town, and to show up at all events with a lady friend worthy of a bit of jealous drooling!

Glad to see things are still on an even keel with the Single Samurai! :)