Different views of my NSX! NOT WORK SAFE

Mr.Wolf said:
Gentlemen, why are you still visiting this thread?
There are plenty of real women out there still single -- they're not all mine! :D

we were all out there but you just had to post another one to bring us back.....:D
Blue Knight said:
we were all out there but you just had to post another one to bring us back.....:D

Hahaha... yeah! Doesn't Martin receive a message on his mobile phone everytime someone posts to this thread? Mr.Wolf just raised everyone's hopes of new pix! :rolleyes:
NeoNSX said:
Hahaha... yeah! Doesn't Martin receive a message on his mobile phone everytime someone posts to this thread? Mr.Wolf just raised everyone's hopes of new pix! :rolleyes:


Yes I do and get very dissapointed when there are no new pictures here when I log in to see :(

But some day Christine will return with what she promised us and then all the waiting would have been worth it :D

princxixor said:
Means that we still have our priorities straight! :D

ditto to that, bro...speaking of priorities, don't you still owe us some pics??? :D
Single Samurai said:
Neo, You'll dig this!

Just my significant other and our AUSSIE KIDS / Cockatoos
Shogun & Princess!

Major Mitchell's Cockatoo ???

Wow. What did THAT bird set you back ? :rolleyes: :D

I am on holiday but still waiting for pictures. Sitting in a internet cafe and bier trinken..

Whats up then?

Where are the pictures.. I need my NSXPrime/Christin fix of the week soon :)

Post #695

Martin, you're not the only person who needs photos of Christine too ........................ so does Blue Knight. :D ROFL

Maybe if we get this thread over 700 posts and 60,000 view hits, it will get the Samuari and Christine back on here.

In the meantime, where's:
* Blue knight for his charm and pink suit
* Randy for his good looks. :D
* leftlane for some witty one-liners
* loNfastNSX for a high-res version of <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=9735">his avatar</A> :rolleyes:

Interesting fact about this thread: did you know MYNSX - the king of girly pix - has not posted on this thread once!?!?!? what's up with that?! :D
hello everyone! how is your summer going so far? i haven't heard from terry so im just waiting on him to finish his project. looking forward to getting some new pics for you guys. hope everyone is well!

Ms.Christine said:
hello everyone! how is your summer going so far? i haven't heard from terry so im just waiting on him to finish his project. looking forward to getting some new pics for you guys. hope everyone is well!



I am fine.. Last time I was online was down in Sinsheim Germany. I drove down to Switzerland and took some very nice pictures of my NSX and Gheba's NSX. I will post some pictures when I get home.

Not as nice as the pictures we are waiting for here thoug :)

698!!!!!!!!! :D

You European guys should pool some cash together and get Christine over to a Swiss meet. LOL... i can just imagine the fights over who gets to drive her around. :p

Could someone phone/email Terry and tell him to pull his finger out? :p His fans want pix! :D
Blue Knight said:
700....there! where is the special prize, neo?

Why are you asking me for the special prize? :confused:
You should be asking Christine!!!