NeoNSX said:<B>Admin</B> : You mean there were NSX's in the other pictures?!?!?!
<B>pok8rok8</B> was just posting these pix for me to photoshop. See attached. (trying to save you bro! )
BTW, there will be NO bouncing animated version!
nsxchi-town said:hey christine,
If you are ever in the chicago area, i would love to do a project
with you and my NSX? Just let me know if your ever in town...
Ms.Christine said:definately, ill be in chicago this year for HIN, July 24th. See you there.
Redline said:She's definitely hot, but prefer a little more meat on a woman. More booty please.
Single Samurai said:Christine,
Still waiting for details about what we chatted about last week
on the phone ....... let me know
Single Samurai said:WOW! 542 w/40,500
Special Salutes go to: Terry the "King of Pix" for starting this thread; his lady friends for starting things off; Christine for her patience and making this thread come ALIVE; Blue Knight and FuryNSX for being die-hard Christine fans; Lud for not closing this thread a long time ago; and everyone else for their humourous comments, view hits and post-wh0ring.
Thanks again to everyone that has contributed to this thread, I
think that Neo has summed it all up above, NEO you too!
Still waiting for details about what we chatted about last week
on the phone ....... let me know
Blue Knight said:no problem, folks.....neo could always photoshop a nice sunny day in the background. most important thing to have is the model and nsx.....
NeoNSX said:Come to think of it, I'd rather Christine do everything right so i don't have to photoshop.
Ms.Christine said:hey terry.... give me a call...well talk about it. lol. im just waiting on the weather to warm up a little. lol.
91 X said:Hey Christine...the weather is always warm here in So Cal
and there is plenty of NSX's too
Texas91Brent said:If we need a black NSX with 17/18 combo deep dish rims, margi hill skirts, ww dam, spats, and agressor wing, for a Christine shoot in the Dallas Fortworth area, let me know.....Brent
Ms.Christine said:=) im really missing the warm CA weather....ill be back in So Cal in March...and i might need an nsx. =)
Ms.Christine said:=) im really missing the warm CA weather....ill be back in So Cal in March...and i might need an nsx. =)
Ms.Christine said:im thinking since everyone have graciously offered their nsx for me to use...maybe i should do a whole 12 month calendar full of now do i have any sponsors???
Ms.Christine said:im thinking since everyone have graciously offered their nsx for me to use...maybe i should do a whole 12 month calendar full of now do i have any sponsors???
No way, Neo. If Christine does a 12 month "NSX & Christine" calendar, that will be the NSX calendar to end all calendars. I'd retire.NeoNSX said:Awesome idea!!!
I vote FuryNSX ends up on the Calandar; afterall, he already is the <B>King of Calandars</B>!!!!