
18 July 2005
Wow....I was looking at Blue Nile the other day and the price of an IF/Ideal/~1 ct. diamond is 15K+. :eek:

I remember looking a few years back and it was around 10K.

Anyone know where to get a good quality (IF), graded (GIA) loose diamond for less than a second mortgage?
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The Caribbean Islands. I got my 2 carat, VG, F, VS1 for about $12,000 (GIA appraised at almot $30,000!). Blue Nile is a great place to learn about diamonds and get a retail value of pricing, but a horrible place to get a good deal. You can find the exact same diamonds for about 1/2 the price. The key to remember is bargaining is the largest factor in the cost of a diamond. That is because inherently the actual value of a diamond is very small. You are essentially paying for hype, marketing, etc. A diamond is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, so you need to flip the table on the seller and make them understand that. When you buy a diamond online, you take your biggest negotiating tool out of the mix.
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For info:

For buying:

Look for an ideal cut, D-F, round brilliant obviously, 1 carat and up, exc/ideal polish/finish and finally look for a VS1 - VS2 as this is the least important of all. Ideal cuts that are IF are bucks! Anything with a clarity of VS2 or better is just fine trust me!
You should be able to get one around 8-10k. That site above for info has alot of good stuff including shots of tests performed to check for light reflection and many other things.
If you spend that kind of cash you want that thing to sparkle. Oh and I would only buy something rated by the AGS and has an independent sarin report run on it to check crown and pavillion angles.

good luck.
Don't leave any "stone" unturned in the diamond hunt.Seems for a brief time in our lives most men become gemologists:eek: I did all the typical diamond district/wholesaler shopping and ended up going with a freelance importer recomended by a friend.Typical story, son of jewlers doing a brisk side business out of his own home.The key is getting a standard like agi certificate.You have to touch and see the stones.The carat wght is one thing but diamonds of the same wght and shape can look larger or smaller depending on the geometry of the cut,meaning the face can be larger in diameter if the height of the stone is shorter.The way a diamond "faces" up is really all we look at anyway.
i keep hearing that diamonds are not as rare as other jewels. im looking as well. Im not spending 10k though!!!!:biggrin:

+1 its not rare and it does have has inflated value well marketed.
+1 its not rare and it does have has inflated value well marketed.

+2 Diamonds are not rare. Essentially De Beers used to have an near monopoly on the diamond industry. Through clever marketing (such as insisting that they should cost 3 months salaray) and witholding stockpiles of diamonds (artificially creating scarcity), they created a demand with a shortage of supply. Thus they were able to inflate the price of diamonds.

For even more reasons not to spend crazy amounts of money on a diamond, research blood diamonds or diamonds used in the funding of wars in Africa.

Instead, consider a cultured diamond. A cultured diamond is a man-made diamond which is made in the exact same process nature does. Originally man-made diamonds were made for things like diamond tipped blades and other tools. However, the process has gotten so good, now you can get a diamond that is so perfect a gemologist can not tell the difference between a real diamond to that of a cultured diamond. In fact, they are so good, that they have to make a specific mark on cultured diamonds to indicate that they are man-made. They also do not get a GIA report that real diamonds do. You can get a much better quality and size for the same price or basically pay 1/2 the price for an equivalent natural diamond.

Having said all that, as you can see I spent over $12K on a diamond in my post above. Seems hypocritical huh? Even though I don't believe in diamonds and think they are the most ridiculous thing in the world, that isn't how women view it. From what I've seen, many women care more about the sacrifice that a man is willing to make than the actual item itself. Unlike a guy. If a guy wants an Xbox, he doesn't care if his woman spent $1M for it, or it fell off of a truck. As long as he has his Xbox, he's happy. A woman is different. They want to know that you spent the money. So if you could buy a fake diamond for $10 that looked EXACTLY the same as a real diamond, if she knew you only spent $10 on it, she wouldn't be happy. Likewise, if dog poo all of a sudden was worth thousands of dollars and all women wanted one, then if you spent $10,000 on a piece of dog poo, it would make her day. Meanwhile a guy would think, it's still dog poo. Instead of thinking of 10,000 dollars, it's more like 10,000 little notes of "love" or "caring". Each dollar is another reminder of how much you care and the more "reminders" you give her, the more special she feels.
Depends on the woman I guess, my wife could care less whether it's dug up from the ground, man made or is a very good diamond-like synthetic. She has an extremely nice platinum ring from Verragio (over the phone with a NY jeweler I was able to negotiate 50% off the retail price which is what the dealers around here were asking) which was far more important to her than the stone that went in it, so she has a 1ct-sized $150 fake that my jeweler had no idea about until he actually removed the stone and did a light refraction test. It passed his little electronic probe test as authentic. I forget what "brand" of fake it is, but I found out about it in one of the gemologist usenet newsgroups when I went diamond researching a little over 6 years ago. I can only assume they've gotten even better since.

I said to her once, 'theoretically, if someday money weren't an issue for us, would you want to replace the stone?'. She said, "Why? That would be a complete waste of money. Who cares, it's beautiful and that's all that matters. You'd be dropping $10K+ for something that looks the same as what I already have".

So don't assume that having a diamond that's dug up from the earth is essential to your woman, unless she's told you that.
You sure you need an IF grade? Unless you have 20/10 vision and/or a 10x loupe, you'll have a very hard time finding any inclusions by eye on anything clearer than VVS or VS grade. Of the four C's, focus more on cut. An IF diamond w/ a crappy cut isn't worth the coal it is made of, whereas as VVS or VS with a good cut (girdle not too thick, facets cut evenly, etc) will have more fire than an IF w/ a mediocre cut.
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This thread makes me wonder what my ex did with that $18K diamond in her ring.:rolleyes::tongue:
Go to Asian Gardens Mall in Westminster, CA.

I bought a 2.05ct. IF, D, Round, GIA, etc. for my EX-fiancee for $13,500.
I must be the only guy not buying a women an $18k diamond. If she left i'd have to have that back one way or the other.:eek:

Sorry. Doesn't work that way. It's a keeper for her as a wedding ring. Now, if it's an engagement ring, you get back if you don't get married.

So don't get married. Just find a woman you hate and buy her a house.
Diamonds - What a racket!! I can't think of a bigger load of crap than the DeBeers diamond industry. The diamonds are not rare, they are just carbon yet you have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for it. Unfortunately there is no real way around it.
This thread makes me wonder what my ex did with that $18K diamond in her ring.:rolleyes::tongue:

She probably sold it to a pawn shop and then went shopping.

No that's what a guy would do. A woman would probably still wear it even if she wasn't married. They do those kind of crazy things. :tongue:

NO, the last crazy....I mean diversey was happy as hell to sell her 4k ring for 13k :tongue:
But no complaints here she got me a 350z Nismo in white but after I stopped sleeping with her I returned it :redface:
"Diamonds - What a racket!! I can't think of a bigger load of crap than the DeBeers diamond industry. The diamonds are not rare, they are just carbon yet you have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for it. Unfortunately there is no real way around it."
I agree, i have a few ex's around to prove my stupidity and provide more money to Debeers market more blood diamonds for me....
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Just lick her on the neck it's a cheaper way to mark your territory.

Ask her if she will have your full name tattooed on her butt. If she says yes then she is a keeper. LOL:biggrin:
Just lick her on the neck it's a cheaper way to mark your territory.

Ask her if she will have your full name tattooed on her butt. If she says yes then she is a keeper. LOL:biggrin:

hahahaha...the tattoo idea isn't bad, Steve, however, if you saw her butt, you'd understand why I wouldn't want anything tarnishing it. :biggrin:

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