DFW body shop recommendation

9 June 2009
Mansfield, TX
Well, unfortunately on the way home from work today a guy in a Ford F-350 decided to back up and punch his chrome trailer ball right through the front of my NSX. Fortunately it was low enough it missed the hood and only got the plastic bumper, the foam behind it and hopefully nothing else.

So, my question is I need a fairly local bodyshop that I can trust to paint a new bumper and properly install it. I haven't had much luck with the last couple of bodyshop experiences on my regular cars. I'm in the Arlington area and close would be good but I'll take it anywhere within 50 miles or so to make sure it's done right.

Wade, I know you had something happen to the front of yours. Where did you take it and were you happy with them? Your car looks perfect to me but I imagine you scrutinize a little more carefully.


'00 Spa YellowIMG_0576.jpgIMG_0577.jpgIMG_0582.jpg
Patrick I am SO sorry to hear that :frown: I feel your pain. When my car got hit, I took it to Stuarts Paint and Body in Dallas http://www.stuartspnb.com/ and they did an excellent job. Matching Spa Yellow paint is tough but they nailed it. They do take their time (they had my car for a month) but they do it right. Stuart is accustomed to working on exotics and there is always a ton of eye candy to see there. They were working on a Aventador when i took mine in. Let Donovan have a look at at it and tell him I sent you. Best of luck and hope to see you at C&C soon :biggrin:
Man, I'm sorry to hear about what happened, yet very glad to see it wasn't anything too serious. I have heard nothing but good things about Stuarts, from Wade and from others that have needed body/paint on less than normal cars. It would be my first choice, for sure.

- Chris
Thanks guys. I'll definitely plan on taking it to Stuarts. I already filed a claim against the other guy's insurance. They're supposed to have an adjuster get in touch with me today. Hopefully they won't try to weasel out of fixing it right. I have a bad feeling they're going to see this as just another 13 year old Acura and try to get out of it on the cheap.

On a side note, one of the reasons I bought this particular car was because it was all original paint, no history of accidents or body damage, and had all the VIN stickers on all the panels. However, after taking a closer look in the garage yesterday I can't seem to locate a VIN sticker on the front bumper. Every other panel (including the rear bumper) has it. Either the front bumper is missing it (meaning it got replaced or repainted somewhere along the way), or Acura didn't put them on the front bumper? Do you guys know if your cars have the sticker on the front bumper and if so, where it is?
I know that mine has a VIN on the front bumper. The 02+ cars have a tab near the passenger headlight for the VIN. Not sure where it is on pre-02 cars. BTW that was my only complaint about Stuarts - they accidentally painted over mine and had to scrape it off.
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Well, as far as I can tell there is no tab on my front bumper to put a vin sticker. In fact I don't really see anyplace one could be placed that wouldn't require disassembly to see. I was able to figure out that Acura only started putting them on for the 2000 model year.

I'm kind of starting to think that my bumper may have been refinished if not replaced sometime before I bought it. Every other panel has the sticker like its supposed to.

Anyone else with a 2000-2001 with knowledge of the vin sticker location?
Sorry to hear about your bad luck, the general consensus is these are the top 3 body shops in DFW (in no particular order):

Stuarts Paint and Body
New Concepts Autoworks
Details LTD

In my opinion for an insurance job I would check out Details LTD first.
I know that mine has a VIN on the front bumper. The 02+ cars have a tab near the passenger headlight for the VIN. Not sure where it is on pre-02 cars. BTW that was my only complaint about Stuarts - they accidentally painted over mine and had to scrape it off.

I finally found my VIN sticker on the bumper. It is on the lower lip of the bumper cover, passenger side, right above the horn. It's present, in good condition, and matches my VIN so I guess it must be the original part. I guess it could have been repainted as long as they did it without disturbing the sticker.
I know you were looking about two weeks ago, but new concepts autoworks does pretty good job. They do exotics too just like stuart's. Here is a link http://www.newconceptautoworks.com/
I know that might be a little far from where you stay but if you want it done right, those would be the two shops to look into.
Thanks everyone for your advice and info. I finally got everything sorted out with the other guy's insurance on Sunday. They've actually been pretty cool about it and seem to recognize that the NSX isn't just a regular car. I dropped it off at Stuarts yesterday. While it's there I'm going to have them do PDR on a couple of very small door dings in the right rear quarter panel and since they're mixing up the Spa Yellow paint anyway they're going to touch up a few spots. I also bought a new OEM lip a month or so ago and was going to put it on myself but since they have the car apart anyway I'm dropping it off for them.

One question. Since they're going to replace the front bumper cover and front emblem I'm trying to decide whether to go back with the stock Acura symbol or do the JDM "H"? What do you guys think?
One question. Since they're going to replace the front bumper cover and front emblem I'm trying to decide whether to go back with the stock Acura symbol or do the JDM "H"? What do you guys think?

If it were me, I would go back to the OEM "A" emblem but that's just me. I'm so OCD about such things that if I changed to "H" branding in one place, I would have to change it everyehere and that would be really expensive!
OK, I was a little undecided but you've convinced me. I called the shop yesterday and told them to put a new OEM one on. I guess I can always change it down the road if I change my mind.
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Picked up the NSX on Friday. It's looking better than ever. Front end is now perfect, all rock chips gone, flawless paint, and new lip spoiler. I also had them PDR a couple of small door dings on the right rear fender. The guys at Stuart's did a fantastic job. Hopefully I won't need their services again but if the NSX ever gets damaged I'm definitely trusting it to them. I also felt a lot better when I saw several pretty banged up exotics coming out of their shop looking as good as new. The F430 right next to my NSX got into a guardrail and they had to replace every external panel except the driver's side door! It also looked perfect when they were finished.
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