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DF Sport Wide Front Fenders

I'm considering it too , only I'd fill the side marker in.
Shop said any non oem part will require some modification. His experience with df panels is positive. The panels I had did not require fiberglass tho. Just sanding prime and paint. I also had him do stacys sideskirts.

Thanks Jeff that's what I was looking for. The normal blocking prep, prime and paint deal. Was making sure no sectioning for OEM lines were needed. Hopefully mine will be on the same boat as to the similar quality of panels as yours. FIngers crossed.

I am really interested in a set but need more than 10mm they offer I would actually need a 20MM so I can use a 5MM spacer for my wheels and still clear fender but I can't seem to find anything quite that big :(

Well I guess that being FRP you could mod them easier than the aluminum ones.