Describ the person above your post in one sentence

Has gigantic rear tires that bulge way past his fender and he likes it:eek: Please refer to post 375 as friggen steve is living on prime in real time and jacking up the fung shue of this thread:mad:
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Gets nothing more than a brief moment of smugness when reacting upon emotion without the benefit of intellect.

Wants to make sure foreigners know that Denver, CO is located in the USA
Likes Platinum :smile:
LOL made that comment and I don't think he even knows that my business name is actually " Platinum".
Didn't know that I saw his license plate on another thread :wink:
Would love to see someone besides us regular pudknockers posting in his thread, and instead get someone like Larry B or nsxtacy, or Lud.
Is a self-described regular pudknocker, apparently.

As of this moment only needs one more post to reach 1,500 posts on Prime.