Dell computer help

25 March 2005
Randolph NJ
I have been having some bad computer problems lately. Internet Explorer would die on me, Google searches lead me to other search engines. And I know I have a bug in this computer someone and I want to get rid of it.

So I called for support about an hour ago, asking how to (and I did this before) resoter your computer back to how I first got it. Now I figured this would be simple and FREE, but it wasnt. The Dell support a$$holes want $99.99+tax. So I was like F that, lemmi try some other ideas. I restored my computer.

Does anyone know how to do this? I dont have a restore CD because it never came with one. Normaly I am a fairly smart kid when it comes to computers but this is way beyond me.
:confused: You bought a computer from Dell and it didn't come with a restore CD? Recheck, because there should be a CD! :confused:

Sounds like you have a virus and others malware problems. Are you running any type of anti-virus + anti-spyware software? Go to they have an online tool to scan your computer for malware. Does your computer have all the updates installed from Microsoft and are you running SP2 (assuming your using XP)?
I got everything for the computer for updates. And no it DIDNT come with a CD, but I just found a tool to burn a backup copy of windows on a CD. Hope it works.
What OS?

Restart the computer. Have a pad & pen handy. Note what comes up briefly at the bottom of the computer screen, should say something like F1 setup, F11 system restore. IF it does, there is a secret partition on the hard drive containing the system restore info. Let computer start & then restart it. When that same message appears again hit the appropriate F whatever key (the ones above the numbers) to get there. Then follow prompts to restore OS. Plan on this taking a good hour at least. If you don't have a restore message at the bottom, then there is no secret partition & someone lost your system restore CDs. You could probably buy them on ebay or from Dell, just have model & OS info handy.I would back up any important documents & bookmarks 1st. Note any particular appearance settings & stuff tough to remember or locate again.

Now you get to spend the next day updating & reinstalling everything & putting stuff back like it was. Do the stuff in the next paragraph 1st, so you don't get reinfected. And virus scan any backed up files first before putting them back in.

The easier way out would be to download the free Microsoft antispyware program beta version. Update it & run it. Also download Adaware6 ( free version, update & run that. Consider spywareblaster or sbybot search & destroy (both freebies)too. Look on or for them. There is an anti-trojan called SwatIt, free download. Takes a while to do a scan. Free antivirus at (AVG is name of program, download free version. You need a working email to receive the activation email so make sure you can get email. Or use diff. computer then enterwebsite into trouble one by typing it. If browser working that long). Update & run it. You could also go to & a virus scan will run for you too. Not a download, just checks your computer that 1 time. You would still need to install some antivirus to have running on it at all times, but this will tell you what cooties you have.

If you get it straightened out, update & run these programs regularly. Also download a free firewall from Zonelabs or Sygate.
This is good too
Windows XP has a built in system restore feature at Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools. However, you should only use it if you're sure you can't get rid of the malware you're having trouble with.
I backed up my goods on DVDs. Then I found what I mentioned beofer, a restore disk. I ran it, and clicked on repair....SAME CONDITION! As for the F keys, all I got is F2 (setup) and F12 (disk something) which does not have a restore, just a disk diag. Now since I dont feel like touching anything tonight with my level of fustration. I shall sleep and tmorrow do the install of windows. Hopefuly it will use the 8GB of reserved space thats in the HDD. If not, thats 8GB gone for me. At this rate I want it to work. And I am not going to spend money doing it.
I've tried to figure out how to do that before, back when I was a Windows user.

These hassles pushed me to the darkside. (Apple)

You should be using Firefox on your Windows machine. IE = horrible
I like this.

Everything everyone mentions to use (firefox, adware, etc..) FAIL me on my computer. I just sent a PM to jalnjr, saying this "I think I am going to buy a mac (when I get the money) and then take my dell, and introduce it to some explosives purchased in PA for the use of entertainment. So, who wants to bet I am going to have a better 4th of July then anyone else here?
Firefox isn't an end-all virus avoider...

it's just not AS bad.

if you run windows, you WILL get adware and viruses under normal internet use.

IMO... it shouldn't take a degree in IT to run a computer and stay virus free. Some techies will call us dumb cuz we don't know how, but a 73 year old grandma could use my mac and never get herself in trouble, and I could use the very same machine for heavy professional use...

i am an apple nut, not gonna sugarcoat it.

Look into the new Macbook :)
I think I will look into it.

Computers now are easier to use out of the box then ever before. However, when it gets older, it gets all tangled up in the crap you put on it with the stuff it came with. Then you delete things trying to make it faster while it doesnt really help what so ever. Computers to me IMO, loose their "horsepower" so to speak after a while, just like cars do.
I hate to tell you this but the reason you might not have a RESTORE CD is because you didnt MAKE ONE when you first got the computer. Dell Stopped shipping restore CD's and software a couple years ago, and when I first got my Dell computer, I had to make my own System Restore CDs. (Actually, most computers shipped now do this, my IBM laptop is the same way).

Try to buy the restore CD if you can ut most likely it will cost you either way to fix this.
All a Dell system restore CD would give you is the software that Dell ships on the hard drive of your computer, which is software that you would be better off without anyway (except for Windows, so hopefully they gave you a Windows CD). If you really want your system to be as fast (or perhaps faster, in your case), reformat the hard drive after getting a hold of whatever drivers you need for your motherboard, network card, or whatever you use to connect to the internet so you can download all of the other drivers that you need once you reformat.

Reformatting would be a much quicker and cheaper solution to your problem than buying a new computer would be, so I suggest you try it before buying something else.
try this:

Print out these instructions as we will need to shutdown every window that is open later in the fix.

Download and install CleanUp! but do not run it yet.

*NOTE* Cleanup deletes EVERYTHING out of temp/temporary folders and does not make backups.

Download, install, and update Ewido Security Suite

Install Ewido security suite

Launch Ewido, there should be a big E icon on your desktop, double-click it.

The program will prompt you to update click the OK button

The program will now go to the main screen

On the left hand side of the main screen click on Update

Click on Start. The update will start and a progress bar will show the updates being installed.

After the updates are installed, exit Ewido

Reboot into Safe Mode. You can do this by restarting your computer and continually tapping the F8 key until a menu appears. Use your up arrow key to highlight Safe Mode, then hit enter.

Once in Safe Mode, Open Cleanup! by double-clicking the icon on your desktop (or from the Start > All Programs menu). Set the program up as follows:

Click Options...

Move the arrow down to Custom CleanUp!

Put a check next to the following:

Empty Recycle Bins

Delete Cookies

Delete Prefetch files

Scan local drives for temporary files

Cleanup! All Users

Click the OK button

Press the CleanUp! button to start the program.

After Cleanup! is finished start Ewido Security Suite

Click on scanner

Make sure the following boxes are checked before scanning:




Click on Start Scan

Let the program scan the machine

While the scan is in progress you will be prompted to clean the first infected file it finds. Choose clean, then put a check next to Perform action on all infections in the left corner of the box so you don't have to sit and watch Ewido the whole time. Click OK.

When the scan is complete, exit the program and reboot back to normal mode.
Well I reformated my computer this morning, and it did not come with any of the dell items. I will install those following things dainese51, also I will install AOL 9 SE, which has mcafee as a virus and firewall as well. Well off to go and reinstall everything and to put all my files on my computer. Ahh yes, what a very long day this will be.
the new thing nowadays is antispyware actually putting spyware on your computer and telling you to go their website to purchase their software in order to get rid of their crap. do not download anything spysheriff or spyaxe. to read more about it, please google smitfraud. It's a new thing...becareful out there guys.