
Picture of a truck driver who for years had the sun shining on the left side of his face. Dramatic example of the effects of sun exposure:

A good friend of mine is 88 years old and was a postman for most of his life. His right arm has young looking straight blond hair on it and his left arm has old grey hair wirer hair on it, makes since right? Wrong! He drove a right hand drive jeep for his entire career. Strange as hell. I noticed this about 15 years ago. He's been retired for many years and his hair still looks the same as it did when he was working. Explain that?
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Whats the purpose of the gears? Just for show?
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<iframe src="" width="750" height="422" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="">I, pet goat II</a> from <a href="">Heliofant</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
that was ......... interesting..... :eek:

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