Dec 9-10 TWS Drivers Edge (Clockwise)

Here are pics from the photographer who was out there (Blair):





Yes, the Miata is ready. It is still a work in progress as it is much to slow and I need some more play time in the garage. The new FM Turbo is out and I have been coveting it. For now, the Miata is lots of fun. I took it out once and my wife drove it the rest of the weekend.

I watched the spin Matt - very impressive. Next time we are at the track, let tell you a little secret about controlling spins. I am very experienced at it!!:biggrin:
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In my post 22, both of those pics are of you driving my car. I was ok'd to solo for the last session of Sunday but I ended up leaving since more rain was on the way.
I thought the last two in post 27 were me too, but if you look closely, Chris is in the car, but he has a black helmet on so he blends in. And he is plastered against the seat cause you were going so fast! I was wearing my red fire suit when I drove so I know it wasn't me.