Deal of the century or hoax?


Experienced Member
12 October 2010
Long Beach, MS
While scanning completed ebay NSX sales, I ran across this:

2001 silver/onyx, 51000 miles, dead stock, two owners, no issues. From a Bloomington, IN dealer. No reserve auction ended with high bid of $16,450. :eek:

So I'm thinking either this was the steal of the century on an NSX or the "winning" bid came from the dealer to avoid giving the car away at that price. Anybody know?
Item relisted now at $46,500 buy it now. :rolleyes:

In fairness it looks real clean.
One of our members "bought" it at the $16k asking price and seller realized his mistake so we have been messing with him insisting he deliver..................
LOL! Thats hilarious. Would be quite a steal at $16k. :wink:

One of our members "bought" it at the $16k asking price and seller realized his mistake so we have been messing with him insisting he deliver..................
Here is the reply that was sent to the seller after he claimed that "there was a mistake":

Dear Brian,

I fail to see where there is a "clear mistake". Your listing was very detailed and had a buy it now price which I clicked. As a result, I accepted your offer to purchase the vehicle at the asking price and pursuant to Ebay rules, I expect the transaction to be completed based upon our contract.

I just noticed that you relisted the vehicle despite my purchase of same. That would appear to be the only "clear mistake" that has been made - your breach of our contract by your failure to deliver the vehicle upon which we had a valid sales agreement under Ebay auction rules.

Or perhaps the "clear mistake" was, and is, your failure to mention the prior accident and body repairs contrary to the listing in the auction/s. A prior owner confirmed a rear end impact and the bumper was replaced. However, it also appears the rear driver's quarter was replaced due to the absence of a vin sticker on that side.

Additionally, it appears you have had many other Ebay transactions and, as such, I am sure you are familiar with the following prohibitions:
Backing out of the transaction due to buyer or seller remorse
Backing out of the transaction because buyers didn't place a high enough bid and the seller didn't add a reserve price"

Your refusal to complete the transaction and deliver the subject vehicle violates both of the foregoing Ebay mandates.

Moreover, Ebay requires "sellers and buyers to follow through with the sale in good faith." Your failure to deliver the vehicle is an act of bad faith and is actionable.

Please provide the necessary paperwork to effectuate transfer of title immediately and cease and desist for any and all efforts, including but not limited to the current re-listing, to sell my vehicle to another buyer.
It may be too late now but a deposit before the buyer was notified of withdrawal would have created an enforceable contract. (Offer/acceptance/consideration)This would have given the buyer the chance to seek specific performance (delivery at the bid price) in court. At this point they might be able to get the seller in hot water with eBay but that's about it. That would have been awesome.

I am a little surprised that eBay allowed the same seller to relist the same item so soon after it was successfully "won" in a previous auction.

- - - Updated - - -

Needs to be lowered IMHO.

View attachment 104078

Not fond of the body kit, either.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
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Great story! A friend of mine tipped me off to this car and I was a little surprised at a clean car being listed at that price. It isn't a bad price, but it is a little below the standard dealership markup so it stood out. I told my friend that I suspected it wasn't clean despite their claims and it appears that is sadly true. Assuming good repair work, it could be a great car for some one to hop in to. I hope it all works out for the buyer.
It has accident damage; left rear fender. Dubious quality.
I think this is the one that I called last week. The ad stated NO PAINTWORK or accidents. The salesman disclosed that the drivers rear quarter had been repainted. I passed on the deal and I'm glad, since I just found a 2000 NSX with less than half the mileage for the same price. I can't wait 'till it's delivered.
Sales people are lying. Search the VIN on prime.