Deadbeat sellers [rant]

31 July 2002
Harrisburg PA, USA
I am astounded by the % of NSX sellers that are complete deadbeats out there. I am very seriously in the market for a '95+ at a good price. I have contacted two sellers on the east coast with cars that interest me (sellers that have advertised their cars are for sale, mind you!) I have had multiple phone conversations with both.

One guy is in the process of moving and is not very concerned about making things convenient or speedy for me. He also has some red flags with the car that he supposed to fix so that a local fellow Prime member can re-inspect. This was to be completed BY HIM last weekend and driven BY HIM to my Prime contact for a 2nd inspection on Monday. Now it's Wednesday and I get an email from him today stating that he's in FL (moving there) and should have those things fixed sometime next week. Hey, take your time!

I started talking to the second guy two weeks ago. Last Tuesday we agreed that I could drive to see the car on Sat (5/17) in the morning (as this one was only 90 miles away). We agreed that I would call him on Friday to confirm and get directions. I called him Friday as planned, but he didn't answer and never returned my call until Saturday morning. Saturday, again, I called and left him another message. I have not heard from him since. To top it off, the only phone number I have for him is now out of service.

Hey kbg_agent,

It will work out for the best. You'll find a car that in retrospect is much better than either of those two....

Good luck on your search
Look at the bright side: If you can't count on them to be honest in their communications, that tells you something about their honesty in selling their car! It's an easy and cheap lesson for you.
This echoes some, not all, of my experiences while looking for a good condition NSX. Generally, It turned out the people who were worst about returning calls, were also the worst when it came to having service up to date, having records of service, and having nice clean cars. Be patient, keep looking and you will find the car for you.

One thing that really amazed me was how many sellers were poorly educated about the car itself. I couldn't believe how many times I asked a seller of a 91-92 about the snap ring issue, and got a clueless response like "snap ring, what's that???" :rolleyes:
There is an expression:

"dumb like a fox" :)

"Gee, never heard of the snap-ring issue" (the seller said!!) NOT

dlongo said:
I couldn't believe how many times I asked a seller of a 91-92 about the snap ring issue, and got a clueless response like "snap ring, what's that???" :rolleyes:

Apparently, some of the highly enthusiastic NSX owners who have owned their NSXs (and babied) ever since 1991 are not aware of the snap ring issues.

Perhaps, it's time for them to visit FAQ?? This make me wonder about the percentage of all NSX owners who are aware of and have visited When I was shopping for my NSX, I have talked to (in person or on the phone) numerous owners, and majority of them answered "what's that" when I asked if they had ever visited
