Dataport internet access???

27 June 2003
Lenexa, KS, USA
When it comes to accessing the internet while on the road, I am a bit of a newbie. If a hotel says they have dataports, what does that mean and how does one put them to use?
Ususally when they say "dataport" only, they're talking about the telephone jack on the side of the room phone for dialup- simply gives you a way to dial up to a local provider. If they say "internet port", usually they have provided an ethernet jack in each room that you plug right into. Lastly, some provide wireless ethernet, where you just connect from your room. The latter two always use DHCP to assign addresses.

Sometimes it's free, and others cost up to $10/night.

Just call beforehand for the details...
I was just at the Hudson in midtown NYC, they had ethernet cables and I just plugged in and I was good to go. From there I was able to run my corporate VPN and stuff and surf etc.

Really depends on the quality of hotel.
mojo said:
...when they say "dataport" only, they're talking about the telephone jack on the side of the room phone for dialup- simply gives you a way to dial up to a local provider....
So, if I understand correctly, in order to make use of a dataport phone, one needs a local number to dial for one's ISP. Is this correct?
MarkB said:
So, if I understand correctly, in order to make use of a dataport phone, one needs a local number to dial for one's ISP. Is this correct?

yeah if you are dialing up either a) you would provide your own local ISP number or b) they would have a local ISP you can use for a per hour fee. my corporate dial-up has a 1-800 number but most personal ISPs don't, check the ISPs website