Dashboard light charging malfunction?

10 July 2007
Pebble Beach
This light came on today on the dash/charging light (yellow light, left hand side of dash). It came on for a while then went off. Then later in the day it stayed on continiously. Owners manual states that it should be effecting the voltage gauge, but I see no evidence of this - any thoughts?
make sure the alternator is working properly and check for loose belt and loose battery terminal.
Well it must be strictly a sensor issue. Battery cables look fine as do belts. Since the voltage gauge continues to indicate there is no problem with rechraging I can assume the generator and alternator must be functioning correctly. Has anyone else had a similar issue?
Use a voltmeter and get a better reading. I suspect the alt is indeed going out, just not all the way yet. If voltage at idle is below 14V expect to replace the alt soon.
Use a voltmeter and get a better reading. I suspect the alt is indeed going out, just not all the way yet. If voltage at idle is below 14V expect to replace the alt soon.

I will check the idle voltage - good suggestions thank you.
I filled up with gas last night as the car has had the warning light (low fuel) for a few days. The alternator light went off (normal position) as soon as I completed the task. Just a coincidence?