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    Caveat Emptor!

Dali Racing

I recieved my first letter from the BBB about 3 weeks ago. Mark never responded to the BBB request for information either. I am sure I will be recieving my send letter from the BBB soon.

Robin, if you can post any contact information for the San Diego Police department I would also pursue laying charges of fraud.

It is disappointing that it has to come to this but obviously Mark feels he is untouchable. I hope that our continued awareness about Mark Johnson's business ethics help people make wise choices about who they deal with.
Mark paid me

Well I can't believe it, but Mark refunded me in full for the parts he never shipped. He never replied to any of my emails, or to the Better Business Bureau complaints, but I did receive a full refund by courier today. He did attach a note that focused on how busy he is and his business policies. No apology, but considering the tone and intentions of my last email to him, a decent response. Certainly more civil than I was. He did acknowledge that he had read my postings on Prime, so he is watching. I hope he everyone else is able to resolve things with him as well. Good luck.
my 2 cents

i may as well throw in my 2 cents.

i thought mark was a pretty good guy at first. just like some of the others here. but, i quickly noticed how he is your best friend only when you want to spend a lot of money. but, when i started asking questions that he felt were not worth his time, the true mark started to show (which in my humble opinion is a pompous... who has zero true customer appreciation, is rude, sarcastic and extremely cocky). i'll be perfectly honest, some things arrived within a reasonable amount of time. some emails were answered (as long as they were relating to buying something immediately) but, to this day i have not received my $400 core rebate and not even an email explaining why or when i may or may not ever see it. let me assure you that the clutch was in completely fine condition for a rebuild, but even if it wasn't that's easy enough to say. i must have sent over twenty emails just on this topic that disappeared into a vacuum. BUT! i did get an email right when i sent in the old clutch in response to my question of how long did he anticipate the refund to take. and his smart ass remark was something like, 'you'll get it when you get it" or some crap like that. which was a very common tone in his emails.

i may have offended those of you who have had nothing but great experiences with dali, and that's great for you. but, i think it is important for everyone to know all sides of the story, not just the good ones. and i know there are a lot more people out there that just don't like to complain and those who don't want to risk losing priviledges of buying from one of the few big nsx vendors, but, i think it's very important to be honest here.

my 2 cents
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I agree

with your comments 100%. If he felt that my clutch core was not rebuildable then how come he did not contact me to let me know. I would have payed him to send it back to me. After all it was $400, could make a good souvenir or REALLY get it rebuilt. He just kept the money and put an extra $400 bucks in his pocket at OUR expense since his markup on his products are sooo low.

Re: Who Mark scams

Robin said:
After contacting many people who Mark has ripped off, it has become very clear the the vast majority of them are from outside of the US. I guess he figures it is easier to rip us off. His ONLY supporters are people within a reasonable driving distance from him.

I know Mark for four years now. And I live in The Netherlands. This is a small country in Europa and a lot of miles outside of the the US. (Is this far enough?)

Over the years I bought a lot of NSX stuff from Mark. We have a small NSX community in Europe and as far as I know there hasn't been problems with DALI or Mark himself concerning delivery, payment or quality issues.

I don't know what is going on at the other side of the ocean and I don't want to bagatalise things, but I always get answers on my e-mails within a few hours and have my ordered things within a week.

I pay by PayPal after I get my stuff. That means if I want to do wrong to Mark, he doesn't get the money and I have my parts. But that is not the way we do business.
