Da Real Bling Bling!!!

Sorry, I guess i'm getting old. I don't see these children as anything but 3 wannabee's or is the site a joke and i'm missing it. I don't judge by looks, but if I was to make the call on them I would have to say "White Trash"
If a joke, sad. No comedic value whatsoever.
If for real, even worse.
Heh, I thought it was pretty funny the last time I saw it, but that was quite some time ago. Also, FYI, that's a base-model Firebird (probably a v6), not a Corvette. ;)
i remember these guys from awhile back, we laughed at them then laughed some more.................cant believe they are still doing.. er.. whatever the hell it is they are doing.
NeoNSX said:

...and i'm sure FuryNSX is trembling with fear from "da flamez" bling bling corvette... :p

Oh snap!!! They have since updated their rolling stock. They're all over me now! :D


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FuryNSX said:
Oh snap!!! They have since updated their rolling stock. They're all over me now! :D
Now that is funny!. One question: Can I get those in a spinner config?:p