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custom rear & front cross braces amazing

31 October 2007
Hey Every one first off Happy New Years and Thanks to all for your support on buying our products I'm not going to lie its been a super tough year for Downforce with this economy. We are making a lot of new products to compensate for slow economy. I will post some pictures in a few days . These braces are made for the laminova intercooler which raises the supercharger about 1.3 inches. We will be making them for the normal super charged cars or the stock engines this will depend on demand from our customers . Also I will post up on another thread how we converted this car to a coupe.
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ok guys here are a few sneak pictures.


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OK , you got my attention...
Ross at STMPO already makes rear brace for both models.A front between struts, brace may work......:cool:
:biggrin:making a few changes
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Well. tomorrow was three days ago, we are all anxious to see your products and prices. Show your syuff

ooops sorry just trying to figure out the best way to get you guys a good deal this custom one would be pricey because is completely done by hand I am waiting for a friend to quote me prices to have powder coated.
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Could we add some guidelines to vendors that require them to have a FINISHED and PRICED product before advertising it for sale?
Could we add some guidelines to vendors that require them to have a FINISHED and PRICED product before advertising it for sale?
Let's just be happy there are still vendors making parts for our cars.

I think there needs to be some mutual level of respect where Vendors tone it down on the tease factor and we're not so hard on the vendors. On that note though... Prime is actually pretty civil compared to other forums i've been.

My $0.02
on that note - also keep in mind it's not a dedicated "for sale forum", it does specifically say:

Vendors / PRODUCT INFO, etc...
hey guys I am really sorry for the extended tease. Every thing was going great then we realized it does not fit the newer gen cars with the newer smog equipment. So we are working on making another one to work for all nsx's besides coupes one that note we are also working on one for coupes. prices can not be set until we have a final design and see what the actual cost of producing them is. Thanks for support everyone
from your last post, it sounds like you are only working on the rear strut brace
WHAT ABOUT THE FRONT one you promised
I think I speak for many when I state that that is the most intrieging part of your original proposal
or was that just a tease without any real product behind it
PLEASE PROVIDE DETAILS ON THE FRONT STRUT BRACE or inform us that you are not going to make one
Here is the front brace and also a battery box.There is no prices available yet but, we will be producing all of these parts. It does take time and money to go from prototype to full production. Thank you for understanding.


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