hi . . . can i get a pm on the group buy with brace for a 97 . . . thanks so much !!
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Caveat Emptor!
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Everyone PM'ed.
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I still have not had a PM.... 3rd request now... Can I please have a PM advising on the price??? Please...
Last chance before I start writing all capitals... :biggrin:
CA tax is another $600-700
The state of CA needs you.
I would say that be true for the autorotor but the whipple?It really doesn't sound that different other than the fact that the RPMs climb up much faster, and at full throttle there is a little whine that sounds not that different than an electric motor spooling up. At anything below say 80% throttle there is no added noise from the supercharger.
I would say that be true for the autorotor but the whipple?
Dave and I have the 1.7l autorotor of courseRyu which one do you have?
There is no tax if it is shipped some place outside the state, no matter far or how close to CA. There are a ton of you guys buying this kit that live in CA.... Talk to each other and come up with a solution. It's not that hard.
Confirmed with Nate that if its shipped outside of California, you don't have to pay sales tax
what about shipping charge... how much?