Cruising Crackdown in Hollywood.....

27 June 2003

How fkin lame is this? If they were cracking down on speeding & drunk driving thats fine, but it sounds to me they just want a reason to pull anyone over they want. Of course they can pull you over if you are not doing anything wrong, but to site you for 'cruising' ...... how could they prove it? I would be willing to bet that if I got a ticket for cruising, and took it to court, that there would be no way for courts to enforce this unbelievable 'law'...... :rolleyes:

Notice how the cops don't really give any reasons why they're cracking down on 'cruising'....... last time I checked its a free country and I can drive my car anywhere I damn well please... as many times as I want as long as I'm not endangering the lives of others. :mad:
Wow that is bullshit. If the so called "cruisers" are being dangerous then by all means pull them over, but cracking down on people driving up and down a street? seriously?
wtf? i'm looking to relocate to the LA area, but the more i hear from you guys the more i feel like i'll be moving to nazi germany :confused:

do they really pull you over for having modded cars, "looking" like you might possibly race somebody, etc???? what's wrong with california? i'm going to have problems with that!
It's nothing new. They actually passed an ordinance that prohibits cruising those areas. Probably prompted by traffic problems caused by cruisers who are just "hanging out" along those stretches.
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It's nothing new. They actually passed an ordanance that prohibits cruising those areas. Probably prompted by traffic problems caused by cruisers who are just "hanging out" along those stretches.

They did that up here in Nor-Cal but it lasted a few years before the ordinance was challenged. They can post signs and if you would make more than a "LAP" you would be harassed :confused:
Many small towns have strict "cruising" laws, clearly marked saying you can't pass around a certain route x times per hour.
Many small towns have strict "cruising" laws, clearly marked saying you can't pass around a certain route x times per hour.

Yea we have a few of those signs in Atlanta where I grew up... But what if you had to go to the store and the cop saw you leave and come back? Is that cruising? I swear this law has to be against some sort of fundamental constitutional right...:rolleyes:

I understand trying to reduce traffic b/c if you drive thru hollywood at any time, the traffic is bad, nevermind on a weekend. But I'm sure they can be more creative than this...
Who gives $%^$ how many times you drive down a street . This is complete $%^^ :mad: :eek: .
Im glad im in houston :rolleyes: :tongue:
Who gives $%^$ how many times you drive down a street . This is complete $%^^ :mad: :eek: .
Im glad im in houston :rolleyes: :tongue:

I guess you've never driven down hollywood blvd on a saturday night... pure chaos. Cruising laws are nothing new.. i believe all of Long Beach is no No Cruising zone... and you can see signs all over Crenshaw Blvd in the "Crenshaw Corridor" or whatever.... which I'm sure most of you don't goto. lol. But yeah, I think its a good thing.. unless you're one of those asshole who drives up and down hollywood blvd in your fancy sports car showing off (yes, I've seen it, and if you frequent there, you've seen it too).

Don't cruise.. and you'll be fine. If you drive an NSX... chances are you're the only one in an NSX... so if he see's you more than once both ways.. too bad. Easier to get away with in a stock civic if you ask me.. just don't clog the already conguested streets of LA =]
As I've said in other threads of this nature...

Welcome to the People's Republic of California.
I remember reading some thing about preventing cruising in that area because they're looking for prostitutes.
I remember reading some thing about preventing cruising in that area because they're looking for prostitutes.

Thats a good point.. I lived in Hollywood for 2+ years and its gotten a lot better within those few years....