Crop Dusting?

1 June 2005
Indianapolis, IN
So this morning was pretty rough at the office, but little did I know, the child in me would be suddenly full of cheer. I have a certain friend that has, as we say, no "filter" when it comes to appropriate emails at work. The following was my morning greeting from him:

I just let one fly about 2 minutes ago...real silent, warm coming out, and man does it stink. To properly "get" everyone in my area, I got up, started to rip and walked slowly to the printer, I didnt want to move to fast to cause I thought my rear might make some noise, it was a slow seeper...I crop dusted the entire accounting area. One girl started to cough. Another girl got up and moved quickly toward the bathroom, and the intern has his nose in his shirt. Meanwhile I sit here and just internally laugh, acting as though nothing happened...although I almost lost it moments ago when someone walked by outside our area and commented that it smelled know what. What a way to start the day!


Robert Geyer

Is this guy unbelievable or what? It sounds like something that should be in an Office Space sequel!

Joe called me this morning with this, and we both just about lost it. Again, man, funny funny stuff.
I work in dark stuffy little rooms all day...and would'nt you know more times than not someone needs to talk to me in person right after I have released volatile noxious methane:redface: and when there is only two of you.........
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I work in dark stuffy little rooms all day...and would'nt you know more times than not someone needs to talk to me in person right after I have released volatile noxious methane:redface: and when there is only two of you.........

I KNOW!! My office is in the corner, so 9 times out of 10 it's just one person that walks in. I bought a couple of Glade plug-ins here lately to use in my work space, but I've found due to experience, that walking into a room that has been tainted then sprayed with Glade is worse than walking into a room that just smells like pure nastiness. The pure nastiness just keeps us honest!
Your friend is very lucky that most work places are now non-smoking. Otherwise, all the sprinklers could have gone off.:biggrin:
Your friend should try it again before exiting a work elevator.
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not a lot embarrasses me. farting in public does. This guy I went to school with would do and say anything at anytime and I saw how everyone looked at him like he was a idiot. He used to stand right up lift his leg in the air and fart REALLY loud, in class, at resturants, at dinner. He wouls even try to fart on people:confused: He has been in and out of jail his entire life mostly for inappropriate behavior. the moral.....farting is a gateway crime.:biggrin:
not a lot embarrasses me. farting in public does. This guy I went to school with would do and say anything at anytime and I saw how everyone looked at him like he was a idiot. He used to stand right up lift his leg in the air and fart REALLY loud, in class, at resturants, at dinner. He wouls even try to fart on people:confused: He has been in and out of jail his entire life mostly for inappropriate behavior. the moral.....farting is a gateway crime.:biggrin:
How sad. And to wonder where all those criminals might be today had they not farted in class.:rolleyes:
The best thing... yes, elevators!

But what's even better?

When you're in a packed elevator with one of your buddies. You squeeze it out slowly and then just before it even "hits" him, you give him the look and say "duuude".

There is no defense against that. One word for you: shaming!
You want he ultimate crop dusting?

My wife is a flight attendant, they can crop dust 140 people in less than 30 seconds. That's what I call coverage. She tells me the stories are great!
Man you guys are so bush leauge. I'll usually beckon someone over, like I've got something really important to tell them. Then I'll crap in my hand and throw my feces at them. I got the idea the last time I went to the zoo.
One word:


The best place to let one go.:biggrin:

Until the elevator stops at a floor unexpectedly, and a hot girl gets on... :redface:

This is why I wait till I get clear of the elevator.... lots of hot girls live in my building...