Crappy customer service at Tire Rack....

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
(Not so)...Crappy customer service at Tire Rack....

I think something has gone wrong at The Tire Rack since I last placed an order with them a year ago, and they just lost a loyal customer for over twenty years.

Just ranting because I ordered some new BBS emblems for my wheels and they lost in transit. No one at FedEx or The Tire Rack knows where they are and The Tire Rack will not ship out replacements until FedEX tells them where they are. Now, FedEx didn't even load them on the truck, it's apparently done in-house so there's been no tracking update for two days. Someone at The Tire Rack went as far as saying that there could have been a weather emergency somewhere in the USA, but the parts were loaded in Delaware and I live in Florida; maybe a 1000mile trip. They also won't credit me the shipping until they are delivered late. WTF?? Hello folks...THEY ARE LATE. My office closed and the parts weren't here within the two days that I paid for them to be delivered. Sorry to waste bandwidth, but where has customer safisfaction gone lately?

Oh well. :mad: [end rant]
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MiamieNeSeX said:
Hey Doc check the valve on the laughing gas it might be loose :) Give Ben at Wheels Boutique a call.


I think you're right Armando, I was testing the sweet air earlier. :biggrin:
Send your complaint to a higher source within the Tire Rack organization. I've almost always been redeemed when doing so. I think it's because the peon has a combination of no authority, no incentive, and/or lack of motivation to help out the customer, but the manager does and that's why they're where they are.
prova4re said:
Hey Doc.
AaronR is a manager at the Tire Rack, he is also a member here and use to own a Nsx. The few problems I had with them he went out of his way to fix it.
You can pm him here.

I forgot that we have a friend there. I will PM him if the issue isn't resolved to my satisfaction in the morning.

Alex@TTR said:

Alex@tirerack here. I appologize for the previos goings on listed above. Please email me with your billing phone number and I'd be happy to look into this for you.


Thank you very much Alex. The situaton has been handled and I should be receiving my order today. It's unfortunate that no one else at The Tire Rack called or e-mailed like they said they would. I will make it a point to call and commend you on going far and beyond your call of duty by making taking the initiative to help me.
prova4re said:
Hey Doc.
AaronR is a manager at the Tire Rack, he is also a member here and use to own a Nsx. The few problems I had with them he went out of his way to fix it.
You can pm him here.

FYI - Aaron is wholesale contact. He deals strictly with commerical accounts. When he posts here and hosts here, its on his own personal time, and loyalty to the club.

If issues ever arise dont hesitate to call or email me, as I am retail perfomance consultant.

Alex@TTR said:
FYI - Aaron is wholesale contact. He deals strictly with commerical accounts. When he posts here and hosts here, its on his own personal time, and loyalty to the club.

If issues ever arise dont hesitate to call or email me, as I am retail perfomance consultant.


I will note that for future referencs. I just left a message on your behalf at ext. 294.