Could this car be a snap-ring problem car?

It appeared to be in one piece or it was in one piece? I think the consensus is if its not broke don't fix it. Not every car in the range is necessarily bad.
Re: Could this car be a snap-ring problem car?


It appeared to be in one piece or it was in one piece? I think the consensus is if its not broke don't fix it. Not every car in the range is necessarily bad.

I tend to agree with this statement although I may be in denial as i have a snap ring rang car as well. once again i have been told as long as i stop when it breaks nothing else is hurt. My main worry is being far enough away from home i.e. Vancouver or seattle as to where it could be a pain.
Sockeye said:
I think the consensus is if its not broke don't fix it.
I don't know about consensus, but my advice would be not to fix it until it breaks OR you need transmission service ANYWAY (e.g. clutch replacement), and to fix it at that time.
nsxtasy said:
I don't know about consensus, but my advice would be not to fix it until it breaks OR you need transmission service ANYWAY (e.g. clutch replacement), and to fix it at that time.

I agree. When I bought my car, I didn't care about the snap ring thing. I didn't even look at the transmission until a couple of weeks ago probably because I didn't want to know. My main concern was finding a clean car, which was difficult.

I'll worry about it if it ever breaks. Chances are it won't if it hasn't already.
I bought my 92 NSX last week and the sales already told me that my car is the snap-ring range. However, she told me that the snap-ring problem should occur at the very early stage. Right now my car has 43k miles on it and what she said was if nothing had happened, the chance of the failure with this mileage is very minimum. Was that true?
larrynsx said:
I bought my 92 NSX last week and the sales already told me that my car is the snap-ring range. However, she told me that the snap-ring problem should occur at the very early stage. Right now my car has 43k miles on it and what she said was if nothing had happened, the chance of the failure with this mileage is very minimum. Was that true?
We just did snap ring repair on a 92 with 76k miles. The owner felt the same way before it failed.
larrynsx said:
I bought my 92 NSX last week and the sales already told me that my car is the snap-ring range. However, she told me that the snap-ring problem should occur at the very early stage. Right now my car has 43k miles on it and what she said was if nothing had happened, the chance of the failure with this mileage is very minimum. Was that true?

Very untrue. Mine just failed at 100k miles.
nsxtasy said:

Do you know the first or second hand? Someone else on here recently broke a snap ring and was very silent whenever that question was asked. Makes me think Acura did something but he couldn't tell the rest of the world.
gobble said:
Do you know the first or second hand?
My car isn't in the snap ring range, so it's second hand by definition. Then again, they don't necessarily treat everyone the same, either.

My advice: Just drive the car and enjoy it. If the snap ring breaks, then worry about who pays for fixing it (just don't drive it). If it doesn't break, then replace the ring and case the next time you need a new clutch, and your net additional cost will only be that of the parts.

FWIW, I have never heard of Acura paying for the preventive fix; the only times they have provided coverage (either under warranty or later, as goodwill) is when the ring actually broke.
I bought my car used and I'm the third owner. The only thing I knew was the clutch being replaced at 30k (now 43k). Besides that, no service history was provided. How do I know if the preventive fix was done on the car? According to the carfax report, it indicates that the car was purchased at Los Gato Acura in 1992. If I call them up and give them the VIN#, will they be able to pull up any service history or even honored any goodwill to the snap ring failure?