Could the REAL nsxtasy stand up please

Do you think that "The REAL Nsxtasy" is really Nsxtasy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • I don't know/care

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • This poll is biased

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
2 October 2001
I have to admit I'm suspicious of the new user "the REAL nsxtasy"... after analyzing his posts, they don't seem to reflect the real Ken. Yes, there is the moonie smiley ... but anyone can post that.

So here's a couple of questions only the REAL Ken can answer... I'm sure you guys will have some tests for him also. :)

1) How many miles have you recorded on the track?
2) If you're not driving your NSX, what else do you drive?
3) What did I help you buy from Honda Australia earlier this year?
4) What is the average rainfall in Kyrgyzstan for Winter?
5) A stock OEM '93 NSX tyre has how many threads?
6) The best wax is... ???
7) The ForumsNazi is really who? (lol... always wanted to know this ;) )

If "The REAL Nsxtasy" can answer those, i'll be satisfied...
Hey, isn't the real "nsxtasy" called "The REAL nsxtasy" over at So, maybe, back over here, "The REAL nsxtasy" is really the real "nsxtasy", but reincarnated. Or maybe, the real "nsxtasy" isn't "The REAL nsxtasy" here, and that "The REAL nsxtasy" is really somebody else pretending to be "nsxtasy".

For real-zees.

(I think I got myself confused.)

:confused: :confused: :confused:
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I see that "The REAL nsxtasy" is from Chicago. This is the very same place that the real "nsxtasty" is from as well. Curious no?

From a great deal of sleuth work, I surmised that Ken was either "The REAL nsxtasy" or "dougjgreen". Now that I have discovered where they live, I have thus unmasked our man. :D
gheba_nsx said:
Wait some more weeks... if the post counter flys above 1000 in no time... well that's Ken! :D

At the rate "The REAL nsxtasy" is going regarding his post count (I've noticed it went from 17 to 29 in a matter of a couple of hours), that should be undeniable proof that it is indeed Ken. :)
<B>FuryNSX</B>: After listening to 'The Architect' in Matrix Reloaded, what you said makes perfect sense!!! :D

<B>Edwardo</B>: "nsxtasty"??? ... :rolleyes:

For what it's worth, after nsxtasy's PM, I'm convinced that "the REAL nsxtasy" is indeed the real deal. But if you have any doubts, just start a new thread called "practice your post-whoring here" ... he won't be able to resist!!! :D rofl...
I'm no a Vulcan, but...

"The REAL nsxtasy" implies the (other) "nsxtasy" is a fake, which we know cannot be. Therefore, logic dictates that "The REAL nsxtasy" is not the real nsxtasy, but a fraud.

Simple, isn't it? :D
Re: I'm no a Vulcan, but...

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>, you have raised a very good point here...

But how can you be certain the former "nsxtasy" was not a fake? How can you define something as 'real' in cyberspace? "Nsxtasy" could be just a computer program; programmed to post quotes from huge NSX-FAQ & joke databases. (actually, this is a very logical explaination ;) )

In turn, how can you even be sure that "the Real nsxtasy" is indeed 'real' when reality cannot be clearly defined? Nor is defining him as 'fake' accurate because that assumes he is 'not true' ... which raises the question, what is truth? (dont worry, i'm not going to go down that alley ;) )

It is possible that nsxtasy was fake all these years... and "the REAL nsxtasy" is also a fake... a lie on top of the lie... another means of controlling our pursuit of NSX knowledge... stopping us from discovering the truth -- that <B>there is no nsxtasy.</B> :eek:

Holy cow... just like Matrix Reloaded, we could be analyzing this dramatic discovery for years to come...

(actually, this is more startling & interesting than the twist at the end of Reloaded :D ) Anyhow, this stuff is too heavy for me... just give me someone to kung-fu... nice and simple. :p
I think that NSXTASY is real but keN SaX is merely a hologram created by NSXTASY to conceal his true identity as "Midge", aka "Mitch", a troubled young man seeking to get on Jerry Springer's new show "Men who want sex change operations so that they can become lesbians."
Does anyone else think this is getting rather stupid.... no offense ken..
Yes, very.....why all the hoopla about where somebody is or is not? :rolleyes:
C'mon, guys. People are just having a little fun, at Ken's expense. No need to poop on their parade. Besides, I'm sure there are some threads/topics we all disagree with, but we just turn a blind eye and ignore them. I'm sure this particular topic is coming to a close soon, so no need to fret.