Cosmetically enhanced craziness.

My gawd. All I can think about after seeing this is Howard the Duck.:cool:


Hey guys, I thought it would be a great idea to start a thread where everyone could post pics of the most cosmetically enhanced women they could find. Try to find pics where the girls look like they have an ounce of dignity left, and then for good measure, you could put what your most AWESOME pick up line would be for said freak. Here.. I'll go first. :wink:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="lips"></a>

Hey, what's your sign?

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="boobs"></a>

Which way to the beach? :rolleyes:

The second pic. is really ok with.:redface:
Those two blondes in the first picture..... WHO ON EARTH would find that even remotely attractive???

Which one of these two is worse?


Or this:
"Were from france"

Lets see who gets that one!!!

BTW I really hope that first photo on this thread is photoshopped or that girl on the left is still swollen from surgery. That is just nasty.
Beldar Conehead. Where's my prize?

"Were from france"

Lets see who gets that one!!!

BTW I really hope that first photo on this thread is photoshopped or that girl on the left is still swollen from surgery. That is just nasty.
I feel bad for those people; they are addicted to surgery and have lost their minds. Shame on their doctors for actally doing those procedures. They need phychiatric help not surgical help. Freaks are to be pitied.

I was under the impression you needed counselling before plastic surgery. Maybe the surgeons need therapy.

Paging Dr Frankenstein. this is what happens to people in an image obsessed society. What is it with the fascination with abnormally large breasts? Supply and demand? Shock and awe? Not aesthetically pleasing at all. Good if your boat sank and your girls name was pontoon i guess. :smile:
Here's an update on that "lady" above:

I'm surprised no one metioned Michael. That's good though, he's such a case that everyone needs to lay off him a little anyway.
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