Cops had a Field Day when they pulled me over today

13 January 2006
Newport Coast, CA
I was heading home from school as i normally do when i noticed a police car 2 car lengths behind me. He followed me and i started geting nervous. He turned behind me down my street and lit me me up. He walked up and said how much did you pay for your exhaust. I said 1000 bucks, and the officer said what a waste. He went back to his car and another police car pulled up behind him. He came back with a list.

Modified exhaust
No front plate
No Insurance (expired)
Painted reflectors

So now im gonna have a fun weekend getting everything signed off:biggrin:
omeys_berlina said:
I thought you guys weren't required BYLAW to have the front plate on the vehicle?
In CA you are required to display a front plate :rolleyes:
DDankew said:
Usually the meter maids give the license plate tickets...cops genrally don't waste their time with frivilous issues.

Not in South Orange County!! Especially along the coast!!

sorry bout you getting pulled over especially if you didnt do anything to warrent them pulling you over..
clearly as far as they were concerned, you were 'doing something'. either they were jealous of your car, suspicious of someone young driving an NSX or something else. they just wanted to pull you over and then bust your balls for some reason.

i got pulled over by staties last week for tint and no front plate but i was just given a warning (and i had paperwork from the DMV showing i had ordered a new front plate, but he gave me a warning for it all the same). can't complain though, he was polite and it wasn't a ticket.
DDankew said:
Usually the meter maids give the license plate tickets...cops genrally don't waste their time with frivilous issues.

never had a meter maid ding me for no front plates... unless meter maids look like this in our area?

eNeSeX 95T said:
Modified exhaust
No front plate
No Insurance (expired)
Painted reflectors

So now im gonna have a fun weekend getting everything signed off:biggrin:

btw... good luck... i know it can be such a hassle to get all the stuff written off, and then put back on... :redface:
If you're driving without insurance like you said you deserve what you get and then some. Personally, I think they should have impounded your car and arrested you. Insurance premiums wouldn't be as bad for the rest of us if it weren't for uninsured idiots like you.

Big_nate said:
If you're driving without insurance like you said you deserve what you get and then some. Personally, I think they should have impounded your car and arrested you. Insurance premiums wouldn't be as bad for the rest of us if it weren't for uninsured idiots like you.



Big_nate said:
If you're driving without insurance like you said you deserve what you get and then some. Personally, I think they should have impounded your car and arrested you. Insurance premiums wouldn't be as bad for the rest of us if it weren't for uninsured idiots like you.


easy killer!! maybe he just had no proof of "current" insurance.

Once when I was pulled over (rear lights were completely out; blown fuse), I showed him my expired insurance card and he said even though I did have insurance he could have given me a ticket for no proof of current insurance. I can't rememeber all the details but he was really cool about it and let me go since I was close to home.
The cops are trying to help the city make an easy buck. They are hoping that you don't have the time or ability to get the fix-it items dealt with and then you will end up paying the default fines, probably $100+ for each infraction. I just went to court to have some fixit items reduced on my track car. They pulled me over for tire tread not sufficient (car is obviously a track car, running DOT-R tires) and exhaust too loud. The fine was $450 since I missed the first hearing, but I went into court and had them both reduced to $88.
ERICKGS3 said:
easy killer!! maybe he just had no proof of "current" insurance.


The original poster wrote that his insurance had expired. Im sure your tone would be different if he happened to ding into any of your cars while having the insurance expired.

MiamieNeSeX said:
The original poster wrote that his insurance had expired. Im sure your tone would be diferent if he happened to ding into any of your cars while having the insurance expired.


true. Very true!!! ding the car and its on!!

I want to give him the benefit of doubt since he is a fellow NSXer.. :biggrin:

Who gets a supercharger, $1000 exhaust and other expensive mods but doesn't have insurance?? :confused:

ERICKGS3 said:
true. Very true!!! ding the car and its on!!

I want to give him the benefit of doubt since he is a fellow NSXer.. :biggrin:

Who gets a supercharger, $1000 exhaust and other expensive mods but doesn't have insurance?? :confused:


Apparently him.

ERICKGS3 said:
I showed him my expired insurance card and he said even though I did have insurance he could have given me a ticket for no proof of current insurance. I can't rememeber all the details but he was really cool about it and let me go since I was close to home.

I agree with you 100%, thats a totally different issue and more like an honest mistake. But he states in his post that he was ticketed for no insurance and that it is expired. If I misinterpreted that like you state then I apoligize to him for jumping to that conclusion.

I have eaten an insurance premium on two separate occasions because of uninsured drivers. One of those was an accident where my wife was hit head-on in her lane and could have been very seriously injured or even killed. I find it extremely troubling that in most states the penalty for driving off without paying for gas is more severe than driving without insurance.

my insurance expired like 2 monthes ago and he originally pulled me over for the exhaust. I couldnt make it quieter. Its like loud in every gear at every RPM lol.
But ya Newport cops have nothing better to do.
how does ones insurance expire anyway? around here, the insurance company mails us all sorts of reminders. if it expires, you get VERY OBVIOUS letters in the mail from the insurance company and the DMV then cancels your registration and requires you to send back the plates. if you dont do that immediately, your license is suspended on top of it.
Crazy BS is in colorado, the cops would let off these riders who didn't have a motorcycle license (or an license) or insurance (at all) but I'd get hit HARD with a fine for going 7 mph over and I'd have everything.
KooLaid said:
Card expired? Or policy? Lots of folks are getting antsy over that. Sorry bro. :redface:

what's an 'insurance card' and why does it expire while you might still have a valid policy? around here proof of insurance is given to the DMV and they put your policy holder name on your registration.
robr said:
what's an 'insurance card' and why does it expire while you might still have a valid policy? around here proof of insurance is given to the DMV and they put your policy holder name on your registration.

Well the card expires after.... 6 months or so. Maybe less. I'm guessing it varies by the insurance company. The insurance is obviously still good if it's paid up no matter what the card says. But a new card gets sent to you every so often. Here you also need the insurance card to register your car but it also needs to be present for getting pulled over. I don't know why it's NOT printed on the registration but I assume it helps keep people from buying insurance for a day to register and that's it.

It is a major pain in the butt thought because sometimes I forget to put my new card in my cars/motorcycles.