Coolant flush...

28 November 2009
Oh yes this subject...

So i have found load of threads regarding tips and tricks for topping up and flushing but non cover this one question.

When doing a flush as in flushing out the old coolant do you use tap water from a hose purely for the flush? once flushed then use Honda coolant?

The next question is more of clarification.

My garage mixed tap water and concentrated coolant 50/50 when filling up my system after a flush. I questioned it afterwards as there are threads saying you should not be using tap water for the coolant, most recommend Honda pre mixed but if using another decent brand then de-ironesed or distilled water should be used.

How crucial is this? as the garage swears blind there is nothing wrong with tap water when mixing with a quality coolant. He's being very awkward about it so i walked away with the frame of mind i will flush it myself with the genuine Honda coolant. He claims he does it all the time and so do most garages. Thoughts?

Am i correct in thinking it has to be flushed to get rid of the 50/50 mix of tap water?
I prefer to mix the coolant to 50/50 with distilled water.

Most tap (city, or private well) water has stuff dissolved in it (mainly minerals) that I would rather not have in my cooling system.

Unless you've had a catastrophic incident (oil and water mixing) I wouldn't worry too much about the flushing of the system, a complete drain and refill should suffice.

I've used Honda pre-mix for 23 years and am still on my original radiator.
What is gained or saved by not using the Honda OEM product?
What brand of coolant are you using? If it's Honda's then your deluting it as it is premixed.
I prefer to mix the coolant to 50/50 with distilled water.

Most tap (city, or private well) water has stuff dissolved in it (mainly minerals) that I would rather not have in my cooling system.

Unless you've had a catastrophic incident (oil and water mixing) I wouldn't worry too much about the flushing of the system, a complete drain and refill should suffice.

What brand of coolant are you using? If it's Honda's then your deluting it as it is premixed.

I didn't assume any particular type of coolant was being used, as the OP referred to mixing it himself to 50/50 with water.
IF you're using pre-diluted stuff then of course that's already been done for you.

The Honda premixed coolant works very well, and it's what I use in both NSX's (and the S2000, and the Odyssey ;-)
